Page 25 - Waterfall City April Issue 2023
P. 25
“…shares are proven to be the key contributor to
inflation-beating returns that assist investors in
achieving their long-term financial goals.”
ideally like to be in a position to ensuring your goals remain achievable approach retirement. This is the
decrease your exposure to market in the medium to long-term. perfect opportunity to engage your
volatility. financial adviser on how to structure
5. Have a transition plan your retirement portfolio by reducing
4. Make adjustments as A phased retirement plan includes exposure to high-growth stocks and
you go multiple arrangements that allow increasing exposure to dividend-
Life is unpredictable, so adjusting an employee nearing retirement paying stocks.
your retirement plans to account age to continue working with
for unforeseen events is important. a reduced workload. Reduced 6. Withdrawal plans
Reviewing your goals ensures you working hours allow you to continue Defining your withdrawal percentage
either know you are on track to earning an income to fund your is a key variable when deciding how
achieving them, or realise these initial living expenses without needing much retirement savings are required
goals are unachievable. In these to draw from retirement savings. to fund your retirement lifestyle.
instances, I would always recommend It also allows you to invest time in If your withdrawal percentage is
seeking the advice of a financial ensuring your retirement portfolio higher than average, you will need
adviser. They can assist with practical is well structured to accommodate more retirement capital to fund your
adjustments to your plan while increased drawdowns as you withdrawal needs.
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