Page 39 - Waterfall City Issue 5 May 2023
P. 39

Never Give up on Success
           By Waterfall City resident Euphodia
           “Liza” Tsatsi
           A book about overcoming challenges, never
           giving up and believing in the impossible.                           Your goal must be your beacon of
                                                                                life. Focus and discipline are the main
           Never Give Up on Success is the go-to resource                       ingredients to ensuring that any project
           for anyone wanting to change their life and/                         is successful. One’s eyesight oscillates
           or make a difference in the lives of others.                         between the distant goal demanding focus
           Success means different things to different                          and the discipline required to reach it.
           people, and advocate and public speaker
           Liza Tstatsi will show you how to succeed                            Liza received positive feedback from
           against all the odds. How to set goals                               people telling her that her speeches
           and maintain momentum, turn pain into                                changed their lives, some changed careers
           triumph, shutdown the inner chatterbox                               and their lives changed for the better.
           whispering you can’t achieve your goals,                             The comments of these men and women
           transform your downs into your ups, stand                            inspired and encouraged her to keep on
           up after you have again tripped and fallen,                          addressing various social gatherings. As a
           experience the joy of giving, avoid people                           result, she started thinking of compiling
           who exercise ‘PHD’ – Pull Him/Her Down                               some of the speeches that she made,
           syndrome and be a time miser and make                                including the best she had to give, into a
           every minute count.                                                  book that she thought would help reach a
                                                                                lot of people.
           We only live once. We must maximise our efforts to leave an indelible
           mark on future generations and be the best individual possible. Those   If you are interested in reading this book, visit the website for
           who follow an original course will discover focus and commitment   info on publication date as well as book launches, seminars and
           define their lives.                                workshops across the country.

           A common trait among successful people is their tenacity to achieve
           irrespective of the obstacles. Many come from humble beginnings, but
           their will to succeed is greater than their starting platform.

           Spare                                              The Psychology
           By Prince Harry                                    of Money
                                                              By Morgan Housel
           It was one of the most
           searing images of the                              Doing well with money isn’t
           twentieth century:                                 necessarily about what you
           two young boys, two                                know. It’s about how you
           princes, walking behind                            behave. And behavior is
           their mother’s coffin                              hard to teach, even to really
           as the world watched                               smart people. Money-
           in sorrow - and horror.                            investing, personal finance,
           As Diana, Princess of                              and business decisions are
           Wales, was laid to rest,                           typically taught as a math-
           billions wondered what                             based field, where data and
           the princes must be                                formulas tell us exactly what
           thinking and feeling                               to do.
           - and how their lives
           would play out from                                But in the real-world
           that point on.                                     people don’t make financial
                                                              decisions on a spreadsheet.
           For Harry, this is that story at last. With its raw, unflinching honesty,   They make them at the
           Spare is a landmark publication full of insight, revelation, self-  dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique
           examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of   view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled
           love over grief. Prince Harry wishes to support British charities with   together.
           donations from his proceeds from Spare.
                                                              In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares
                                                              19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and
                                                              teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics.

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