Page 17 - Waterfall City August Issue 2023
P. 17
The Chef
Q: If money were no object, Q. If you could choose your
what kitchen appliances last meal, what would it be?
would you invest in? A: Japanese Pork Bowl (Tokachi
A: I have a long wish list: a sushi display Butadon). I fell in love with this dish
fridge, an automatic rice cooker, a full years ago at a Japanese restaurant at
set of sushi knives and specialised sushi the old Randburg Waterfront.
cutting boards.
Q: What fast food is your
Q: Who is your chef idol? secret indulgence?
A: Chef Gordon Ramsay. A: Burger King’s cheeseburger.
Q: If you could prepare a Q: Are you pro or anti air
meal for one celebrity, who fryers?
would it be and what would A: Pro.
you serve?
A: I would love to prepare the Cowfish Q: If you weren’t a chef, what Chef Q would like to make the Most Wanted sushi
Most Wanted sushi platter for Bonang would you be? platter for Bonang Matheba.
Matheba. A: An entrepreneur: I’d open my own
restaurant. Book at Cowfish, Waterfall Corner
Q: What do you think of today to experience Chef Q’s
cooking shows? Do you have Q: Any career tales you culinary talents:
a favourite? would like to share?
A: I find cooking shows very educational. A: In 2016, I won a competition to
My favourite show is Hell’s Kitchen. spend a month in Cyprus and gain
experience under Chef Gavin Wu.
Q: What’s your favourite Unfortunately, due to short staffing at
South African dish to eat? the restaurant where I was working at
A: Mogodu (tripe stew). the time, I was not allowed to take time
off, so the opportunity was given to the
Q: What will we always find second runner-up.
in your fridge?
A: Whole line fish – salmon is my
Waterfall City Issue 8 2023 15