Page 36 - Waterfall City August Issue 2023
P. 36

Waterfall City Today’s Child


                                             may say. Let them problem solve it as   realistic ones.            PHOTO BY MONSTERA
                                             far as possible in order to build their   •  Deep breathing exercises to relax –
                                             confidence.                         breathing deeply from your belly is a
                                            •  Build confidence – achieving small   great tool to help you and your child
                                             things successfully helps to build   calm down, refocus and think clearly.
                                             confidence. Give your child some    The action increases oxygen levels in
                                             chores or a task to complete to     the bloodstream, lowers the heart and
                                             help them build their confidence.   breathing rates, and reduces muscle
                                             Opportunities to face challenges are   tension and stress levels. Let your child
                                             important in confidence building.   place their hands on their belly and
                                             Praise efforts rather than results and   chest, then take a deep, slow breath in
                                             if they get stuck, let them know that   through the nose, hold the breath and
   PHOTO BY MART PRODUCTION                  with you and plan how to overcome   like blowing out birthday candles.
                                                                                 release it slowly through the mouth,
                                             they can always discuss the obstacles
                                            •  Challenge negative and unhelpful
                                                                                •  Don’t minimise or ridicule their
                                             thoughts – encourage your child    What not to do
        •  Validate and display empathy      to talk through what they are       anxiety. Never minimise what your
         – remember that your children’s     experiencing or what is causing     child is experiencing by telling them
         emotions, thought processes and     them distress. This will help you to   to “just get on and do it” or “tough
         experiences are very real to them,   understand the thoughts your child is   cookie, deal with it”. Their feelings
         regardless of how you may perceive   telling themself, so that you can work   are real and they are taking strain, so
         them. It is crucial that your child feels   with them to identify more helpful   support your child with compassion,
         heard and understood. Recognise and   and realistic thoughts. They may   kindness and empathy in facing their
         affirm that their thoughts, feelings and   realise, in talking through it, that the   fears. The fact that they verbalise
         experiences are valid and important.  fear isn’t real.                  their fears is great, so don’t shut the
        •  Break down tasks – studying for a                                     communication channel down.
         test, preparing for a presentation or   Direct the conversation to get them to   •  Don’t label emotions. Never label
         creating a project can seem like an   think about the situation in a different,   emotions as good or bad. The
         overwhelming task. Help your child   more positive manner. For example,   experience is what counts. How you
         to break this down into smaller steps   ask if they have failed at the task   deal with the emotions may be less
         that feel less daunting. Encourage and   before. Ask: “What did you do before to   than ideal, but you and your child
         praise them as they complete each   succeed? What else can you do?”     can still learn a valuable lesson even
         step; like a puzzle, the pieces will fall                               from a negative situation. The positive
         into place.                        Directing conversation with questions   experiences will build confidence and,
        •  Role-play conversations – it’s a great   will allow your child to break the   hopefully, reduce anxiety.
         idea to help your child prepare for a   perceived problem up into smaller
         situation they’re concerned about,   chunks. The point is to focus on   If you feel that your child is not coping,
         such as asking a teacher for help. Role   the evidence and the conclusions   despite the abovementioned advice,
         playing and rehearsing the feared   independently. Realising for themselves   seek professional help either through
         situation can remove the anxiety.   that they will not fail is the most   channels within the school or ask your
         Let them talk through how they may   powerful tool you can give them. Help   GP for a referral. Never leave an anxious
         approach the situation and what they   them convert unhelpful thoughts into   child unsupported.

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