Page 27 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
P. 27
Taking security, maintenance and environmental monitoring to new heights
W aterfall City has
embarked on a
journey to investigate
incorporating drone
technology into its management of the
City. While security solutions provider
Fidelity already use drones for security
in Waterfall City, the development
recently completed a successful four-
day proof of concept (POC) project
with Integrated Aerial Systems (IAS),
an industry leader in drone solutions
since 2016. The aim of this POC was
to look at a more encompassing use Drone surveillance across Waterfall City
of drones in the area, showcasing the
vast potential of drones for further able to quickly detect heat signatures
security measures, environmental from humans and animals, as well
monitoring, and operational efficiency. as flag suspicious-looking vehicles,
provided critical real-time information
Bringing a new dimension to to ground security, drastically reducing
security response times.
The POC project, conducted during
the day and night, revealed how The drones also came equipped with
drones can seamlessly integrate with encrypted live-streaming capabilities,
ground-based security teams to boost enabling Waterfall City’s security
surveillance across Waterfall City’s to monitor activity from anywhere.
sprawling development. IAS drones This live feed improved situational
flew multiple missions, covering awareness, allowing ground teams
extensive ground and inspecting to react swiftly and with enhanced
security perimeters with precision. coordination. With the aerial
By equipping these drones with advantage, they could cover larger
advanced thermal cameras, the team areas faster and more efficiently than
was able to locate potential intruders traditional foot patrols, making it
during nighttime simulations with significantly more challenging for Drones with advanced thermal cameras during
unprecedented accuracy. The drones, intruders to evade detection. nighttime simulations
Waterfall City Issue 12 2024/Issue 1 2025 25