Page 13 - Waterfall City Issue 2 February 2024
P. 13
The Chef
Q. What are your favourite Q. If you could choose your
kitchen appliances, if money last meal before you die,
was no option? what would it be?
A: A Thermomix. A: My mom’s braised sheep head curry
and mealie rice.
Q. Who is your chef idol?
Why? Q. What fast food is your
A: Jacque Pépin. He transforms simple secret indulgence?
ingredients into French classics. Very A: Burgers, every time.
Q. Pro or anti air fryers?
Q. If you could prepare a A: Pro…it’s convenient after a long day.
meal for one celebrity, who
would it be and what would Q. If you weren’t a chef, what Chef Keegan would like to make Gordon Ramsay his
version of pasta alla vodka.
you serve? would you be?
A: Gordon Ramsay. I’d cook my version A: An electrical engineer.
of pasta alla vodka for him.
Q. Any interesting career To sample Chef Keegan’s culinary
Q. What do you think of anecdote you would like to delights and book a table at either of
cooking shows? Do you have share? the Courtyard Hotel eateries, contact
a favourite? A: I was working with a huge team them on:
A: They are entertaining, especially the at the famous Oyster Box Hotel in Tel: 010 025 3030
competitive ones. Iron Chef is good – it Umhlanga, blending up a 10-litre sauce
shows you exactly how the environment in a giant swing blender, and I realised
is in a professional kitchen. that I had to fetch the cream from
the fridge. So I left the blender and
Q. What is your favourite went to the fridge. Long story short,
South African dish/product the blender tipped, swinging left to
to eat? right, splashing my entire team with
A: Lamb bunny chow. saucy rainfall! I was the only one left
Q. What will we always find
in your fridge?
A: Beer and lamb.
Waterfall City Issue 2 2024 11