Page 25 - Waterfall City Issue 2 February 2024
P. 25
Choose a protein:
Protein will help keep you feeling satisfied and is
important to build muscle in the body. Choose fish like
tuna, sardines or salmon. Eggs, low-fat cottage cheese,
or nut butter are all healthy proteins. Don’t forget about
pulses like chickpeas, beans or lentils. They are a source
of fibre and low in fat. You can even use the leftover meat
from the night before.
Choose a low-carb vegetable:
Adding low-carb vegetables will ensure you get extra
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help support your
immune system. Try leafy greens, carrot sticks, cherry
tomatoes or chunky vegetable soup in the winter.
Choose a healthy fat:
Choose fats like reduced-fat salad dressing, or sauces.
Avocado and olives are another heart-healthy option to
A re you constantly add to your lunch.
reaching for your
phone to order
Add a healthy snack:
fast food for lunch
because you ran out of time in Have at least three meals a day and two healthy snacks.
This will help regulate your blood sugar levels throughout
the morning? Maybe you are the day and may even prevent cravings. A handful of nuts,
avoiding packing a healthy fruit, low-fat yoghurt, homemade popcorn, and whole-
lunch because you have no idea grain crackers with nut butter or cheese can be a great
where to start or what ‘healthy’ addition to your lunch box. Think outside the box by
even means. Or perhaps you adding hummus with vegetable sticks.
are an extremely busy mom,
sending the kiddies to school Hydration:
with money to buy something It is essential to drink enough water throughout the day
at the school’s tuck shop. to stay hydrated. Add lemon, mint, or cucumber slices
There is nothing wrong with to flavour. Juices or sugary drinks can add unnecessary
having the odd takeaway or calories, making maintaining a healthy body weight
tuck shop meal now and then, difficult. In summer, freeze your drink to keep everything
but generally, it is healthier else cool.
and much more cost-effective
to pack your own lunch. Some lunchbox ideas to get you started:
• For the kiddies going to school: Whole-wheat chicken-
Here are some simple tips and mayo wrap filled with lettuce and cucumber.
tricks on how to pack a healthy • For the busy mom: Chickpea and quinoa salad with finely
lunch for the whole family: chopped red peppers and cucumber. Add a reduced-fat
salad dressing of your choice.
Choose a starch: • For those working from home: Whole-wheat toast with
Try to choose a starch that is high salmon and avocado with vegetable sticks on the side.
in fibre and has a low glycaemic
index. Fibre will keep you fuller It is important to plan your meals for the week ahead and
for longer and can help prevent to ensure you have all the ingredients in your pantry and
constipation. Think along the lines fridge to make those delicious lunch meals. It also helps
of whole wheat bread, wraps, to pack the lunch boxes the previous night to prevent
pasta, or couscous. Quinoa is the mad morning rush. If you need more help, book a
another great option. consultation with a registered dietitian.
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