Page 28 - Waterfall City Issue 3 March 2024
P. 28

Waterfall City Design & Décor

        IT’S ALL IN A TILE

        Meet the new team of ceramic artists contributing to SA’s

        renowned design reputation.

        The history
        Five years ago, Sharon and Ryan
        Kensley embarked on a brand-new                     “The secret is to never look back
        journey of creating tiles. It began                          at your designs.
        when their good friends decided to
        immigrate to America and sell their                    Just keep moving forward.”
        handmade tile business, Renwick Tiles.

        With Sharon and Ryan already        moulding, clay mixes, and such,     What sets Akashic apart
        being creators within the ceramics   that is something that you need to   from the rest?
        industry, this was the next step of   be taught the basics of. After that,   That’s a hard one, as there are so
        their journey, and everything fell   through trial and error and years   many beautiful tiles out there. Our
        into place. “It was more of a handing   of experimenting, you will learn   tiles are not for everyone. They are
        down.” They had already shared      to fine-tune your skills. There is   very elaborate and over the top in
        similar energy as the previous      always something new to learn. With   some respects, but we try to push the
        owners. Still, once they started to   ceramics, it’s a lifetime of learning.     boundaries within the tile medium.
        create their own designs and found                                      We have been so lucky that the design
        their mojo, Renwick Tiles was reborn   Time and care                    industry has liked our ideas and
        as Akashic Tiles.                   It’s hard to say how long it takes   designs. I always think of that saying:
                                            to create our tiles as we have so   “Create what sets your heart on fire,
        “From the moment we began           many designs, and some are far      and it will illuminate the path ahead.”
        creating tiles, it felt like something   more complex than others. To put
        so natural, like we were made to be   it into perspective, we work on an   Design inspiration
        doing this.” From then on, they have   eight-week lead time. There always   We find it everywhere! The one thing
        tapped into the understanding and   has to be room for unforeseen       we try to do is to follow our inspiration
        formula of making tiles and patterns   circumstances, accidents or errors.   and instincts, which are forever
        that just flow and now have an                                          changing. The secret is to never
        internationally revered business.   If something goes wrong in the kiln,   look back at your designs. Just keep
                                            we might have to remake the order,   moving forward.
        Chatting with Sharon and Ryan about   so giving ourselves enough time is
        Akashic and the art of tile making.  very important when working on     Colour profiles
                                            a delicate process. You can’t rush   We can glaze any of our designs in any
        The process                         anything with ceramics because the   colour choice. Sometimes a client will
        To produce a tile, you must create   universe will teach you a lesson very   want to match a new colour, or hue
        the original artwork out of clay. You   quickly.                        of their choice. I’m often blown away
        then make a cavity mould from that                                      by how incredible their colour choices
        piece and a silicone master. From that   Teamwork makes the dream       are. See, inspiration is everywhere.
        master, you can start building more   work
        plaster moulds to produce the tiles in   All the people at Akashic Tiles   Homebase
        numbers. Once the tile is dry, sanded   have become our family. We are so   We are based in Knysna, which is
        and cleaned, you glaze it with a    close; it feels like we have past life   the best place ever. Born and bred!
        colour. Lastly, you fire it to the correct   connections. We genuinely love   The energy of the forest and nature
        temperature, and voila, you have    each other and the work we do. We   definitely helps as it is so beautiful. It
        made your tile.                     have also learnt that it’s not about   always makes me so happy to think
                                            chasing achievements; it’s about    that we are a studio in little Knysna but
        The training                        being present every day and finding   can be as big as the world. Most of our
        No training is needed when creating   joy in the people around you. We   work goes out of Knysna and all-around
        a good tile design. However,        believe this energy of love is felt in   South Africa and abroad, but we hardly
        when it comes to glazing, firing,   our products.                       ever leave Bokmakierie Street.

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