Page 27 - Waterfall City Issue 8 August 2024
P. 27

of the most commonly used formulation   HA injections have an immediate
        of botulinum toxin on the market, which   effect and last between a year and
        effectively targets wrinkles by impeding   18 months. In smaller doses, they
        nerve signals to the facial muscles.   are generally repeated annually to
                                            maintain their impact. Again, these
        Most often used to treat wrinkles in   products are not permanent, and
        the upper part of the face and around   although they have a longer duration
        the eyes, it can also be used to treat   of action, they are broken down
        excessive sweating, clenching of the   completely by the body over time
        jaw and other non-cosmetic maladies.   and leave almost no trace in the long-
        Once these muscles are weakened, their   term.
        effect on the overlying skin is decreased,
        which leads to softening and the    Yet, for those seeking more profound
        potential disappearance of wrinkles in   transformations, surgery remains the
        the treated areas.                  gold standard. The improvements
                                            one can make during surgical
        Botulinum toxin will start to work about   procedures are more dramatic and
        72 hours after the treatment and is   longer lasting than non-surgical
        generally repeated every four months. It   techniques, if not permanent.
        is important to remember that the effects
        of these treatments are not permanent   With surgery, we can restore what
        and that discontinuing their use will have   nature and time have taken away. Of
        no long-lasting adverse effects. Despite   course, surgery is more invasive, and
        the misconception that doing so may   therefore downtime and recovery
        lead to premature aging, this is not the   are more significant than with the
        case. With only a few contra-indications   use of injectables. However, the
        to its use, botulinum toxin is a safe   sacrifices are absolutely worth the
        and proven method of alleviating the   rewards. Procedures such as facelifts,
        wrinkles we see on our skin.        blepharoplasties, and fat injections
                                            offer lasting results, capable of
        “Fillers,” another cornerstone of cosmetic   reversing the ravages of time with
        enhancement, utilise compounds like   surgical precision.
        hyaluronic acid (HA) to restore lost
        volume, rejuvenate contours, and    Navigating the vast landscape
        enhance skin quality. HA is ubiquitous   of cosmetic interventions can be
        in all body tissues and is the natural   daunting, but consulting with a
        chemical compound that traps water   specialist plastic surgeon ensures
        in the tissues. As a filler, it is used to   personalised, evidence-based
        reverse the loss of soft tissue volume   guidance. In a world where physical
        and restore youthful contours that   appearance contributes significantly
        have been lost. Fillers are primarily   to mental well-being and overall
        used in the cheeks, around the mouth   health, these interventions offer
        (especially the lips), around the eyes,   aesthetic enhancement and a
        and in other areas such as the jaw and   renewed confidence to face life’s
        temple area.                        challenges head-on.

        While the fountain of youth may elude us

        still, the synergy of non-surgical and surgical

        interventions empowers us to age gracefully,

        embracing the beauty of a life well-lived.

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