Page 35 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
P. 35

be updated to reflect your changing

                                                                                Few things impact our priorities as
                                                                                much as having children. Parents’ goals
                                                                                and dreams reach beyond their own
                                                                                lifetimes as they think about the legacy
                                                                                they want to leave behind. In such
                                                                                circumstances, an estate plan must
                                                                                provide wealth protection and cater for
                                                                                the effective transfer of wealth. In some
                                                                                families, this could mean setting up a
                                                                                family trust; in others, it could mean
                                                                                securing a family business for future
                                                                                generations. In both these scenarios,
                                                                                there are various strategies to consider,
                                                                                each with its own tax implications and
                                                                                each having to be addressed correctly in
                                                                                one’s will. Therefore, scheduling regular
                                                                                meetings with a financial adviser to
        only once you have a proper estate   capital gains tax. Fortunately, these can   discuss any such changes and review
        plan in place can you have true peace   be estimated ahead of time, and it is   your estate plan in light of them is
        of mind. Having an estate plan ensures   possible to put a plan in place to ensure   critical.
        that your executor will be able to deal   that these expenses will be covered
        with your financial obligations and   when you pass away.               The doctor is in
        assets in accordance with your wishes                                   As tempting as it is to self-medicate, it
        and in the most cost-effective way.  Don’t neglect regular check-       is always advisable to use a professional
                                            ups                                 when it comes to health issues –
        Prevention is better than cure      As we transition through the different   including your financial health. It
        It is tempting to delay talking to a   stages of our lives, our financial   is never too soon to reach out to a
        financial adviser about estate planning   priorities also change. Whether it is   financial adviser about your estate
        – especially when we are younger.   a growing investment portfolio or a   planning, and it is never too late to
        We offer excuses such as not having   growing family, your estate plan must   review your current estate plan.
        accumulated significant assets or not
        starting a family yet. The principles
        of estate planning remain the same,
        regardless of your wealth or personal
        circumstances, and – unfortunately – so
        do the unintended consequences of not
        having an estate plan in place.

        Every estate faces a potential ‘liquidity
        risk’. Simply put, this is the risk of not
        having sufficient cash available to settle
        the claims against the estate. If there isn’t
        enough liquidity, the estate executor
        will be compelled to sell some of the
        estate’s assets to settle any outstanding
        claims against it. If you don’t have any
        significant debts, this might not raise
        alarm bells. However, even if you don’t
        have any debts, certain unavoidable
        expenses are still associated with
        winding up a deceased estate. These
        include executor’s fees, estate duty and

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