Page 18 - Interface April 2024
P. 18
Safe driving...
In South Africa, we often refer to
roundabouts as “traffic circles”.
A roundabout is a type of circular
intersection that reduces potential
conflicts between vehicles and improves
the efficiency of the intersection.
How to use a Roundabout/Traffic Circle:
• Drive at a moderate speed - roundabouts/traffic
circles are designed to enhance traffic flow - there
should be no stopping inside the circle or racing
around it!
• Know where you have to go! Position yourself in
the correct lane ahead of the roundabout.
• As you arrive at the roundabout, traffic coming
from your right has right of way - you must stop
until there is a break in traffic.
• Use your indicators for lane changes and where you
are exiting.
• Signal your intent to other drivers when entering, • If you are in the left or centre lane of the traffic circle,
going around and exiting the circle. look out for vehicles on your right - next to or ahead of
• Obey all traffic signs and road markings - do not you - that are indicating left, and give way to them where
cross the barrier lines - including once you exit the it is safe to do so.
roundabout! • Keep in mind not all drivers use their indicators as the
• To exit the circle at any exit after the first one, Rules of the Road require.
indicate to the left after you pass the road before • Keep in mind that buses or large trucks need extra room
the one at which you intend to exit the circle. to make turns and might take up more than one lane in a
• Once you have indicated to leave the circle, you traffic circle.
must leave at the very next exit. • Even inside the roundabout /traffic circle do not tailgate
• The safest way to avoid a sideswipe may always - keep a following distance to allow yourself the time and
be to ensure that you are in the outer lane before space to react!
taking your exit - then there will be no vehicle • Be alert to drivers in your blind spot!
inside you to side-swipe you! • Keep calm - once you miss an exit - avoid swerving at the
• Be alert and avoid any distractions - you need both last minute. Return to the inside of the roundabout and
your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on move around once more.
the road and observing traffic. • When it is not safe to change lanes - it may be
• Make no assumptions - do not assume that necessary to drive all the way around the
the other driver to your left is going island again in order to wait for a gap and
to exit - or that the driver to your thereby maintain a clear space around
right is going to continue in the Watch this video your vehicle at all times so as to
inside lane. minimise the risk of a collision.
to understand the
For more information visit
basics of a Roundabout/
Traffic Circle:
INTERFACEDigimag | April 2024 | 16