Page 26 - Interface April 2024
P. 26

                    WORLD OF

               umans have been making and   Glass is something we handle every single   method hasn’t changed since the Middle
               using glass for thousands of   day. When we open a window, touch our   Ages. Using glass in windows has been
        Hyears and nature has been        smartphone screen, or drink our favourite   common since the early 17  century.
        making glass for even longer. Fast   beverage, we interact with glass constantly.   Before this time, windows were considered
        forward to the 21  century and humans   Even so, it is funny that we never really stop   luxury items for the rich and affluent.
        are still producing, using and benefiting   to think much about this versatile material
        from glass daily. From the glass, we   and all its interesting facts, especially when   Glass is a versatile material used for
        drink out of to the glass we look   we use it as often as we do.        partitions, windowpanes, structural
        through, and everything in between,                                     glazing, cabinet insets, doors and
        glass is an integral part of our daily   Beautiful stained-glass windows have   more. A generous use of glass can offer
        lives. Glass is 100% recyclable and can   been crafted since 400 CE. It was Christian   unobstructed views and impart an element
        be recycled endlessly without loss in   churches that first started using stained glass   of sophistication and elegance to the décor
        quality or purity.                in their windows. Today, the production   of the home.

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