Page 17 - Interface June 2024
P. 17

Rules & Regulations


             he CHOA encourages its members to maintain good      to erect walls, fences, or hedges higher than 1m will be
             relationships with neighbours within the Centurion   considered on merits.
        TCountry Club (CCC). It must be noted that the Golf    •  No fence or physical structure (including but not limited to
        course is the property of the CCC and no member of the    patios, braais, seating areas, water features) of any kind may
        CHOA has the right to encroach onto the Golf course unless   be erected on the golf course.
        approved by the CCC. Application for encroachments shall be   •  No banners, posters or plaques will be allowed on the golf
        evaluated on merits and the CCC is not obliged to approve such   course side of any property.
        application. Further, existing encroachments shall not be used   •  The CCC will evaluate gardens and reserve the right to
        as a precedent for new applications. It is also expected that no   request owners to remove gardens that do not adhere to the
        encroachments or gardens will be allowed without measuring   rules outside the erf boundaries.
        against these guidelines (note guidelines in this document   •  No hedges will be allowed on the approved golf course
        referring to views from the Golf course) and prior approval   encroachment garden.
        from the CCC. The CCC reserves the right to remove any garden,   •  No play structures, trampolines or similar equipment will be
        fence, or any other structure on its property at any time.   allowed.
                                                               •  No edging or any other hard landscaping elements of
              The following criteria apply on the golf course:    gardens will be allowed.
                                                               •  Golfers will have the right to play or retrieve a ball from any
        •  Prior to erection, nets to screen homes from golf balls must   part of a garden outside the erf boundaries at any time.
           be approved by the Board of the CHOA as well as the CCC’s   •  Grass areas in the rough may not be cut shorter than 15mm.
           management. The consent of neighbours is also required.   •  The CCC will be responsible for the upkeep of all golf cart
           An Engineer Certification might be necessary in certain   alleys and motivate the owners adjacent to the alley to assist
           circumstances.                                         with the maintenance, without revoking the responsibility of
        •  No gardens will be allowed within play of the golf course.  the CCC.
        •  An application in writing must be submitted for any   •  Any such application may not create an additional load on
           garden that will be outside the erf boundaries, prior to   the CCC’s contractor for maintenance.
           the establishment of such a garden. After receiving such   •  The decisions of the CCC Management Committee are final
           application approval, the CCC Management will consider   and binding.
           the application and if approved, it will be provisional
           approval only. Final approval will only be given after           RIVER FRONT ENCROACHMENTS
           completion if the CCC is satisfied that the garden is in
           line with the application received. The garden must be   •  All residents are required to use the river, river frontage and
           completed within 30 days from the date of the application.  riverbank areas with respect.
        •  Applications must include a list of plants and trees to be   •  Residents are not allowed to remove existing bushes or trees
           used.                                                  growing on the riverbank or adjacent areas.
        •  Vegetation to be planted must be in line with the theme of   •  Gardening activities are prohibited beyond the boundaries
           the golf course.                                       of each home on the riverfront.
        •  Any plants planted without an application will be removed   •  No dumping of garden refuse or any other dumping will be
           after consultation with the Home Owner.                permitted.
        •  No applications will be considered when the garden exceeds   •  Residents living on the riverbanks are only allowed to
           the out of bounds stakes of the golf course.           beautify or introduce endemic planting and trees of low
        •  The CCC is the only entity allowed to determine the position   maintenance with the approval of the CHOA. No structures
           of and to move out of bounds stakes. Should homeowners   of any nature will be allowed. Permission should be
           move out of bound stakes, penalties will be incurred.  requested in writing and accompanied with a layout plan
        •  Walls, fences, and hedges on the golf course boundary are   and specifications of the intended planting etc. Further note
           limited to a maximum height of 1m and the material and   that the CHOA can at any given time remove such additions
           finishing shall be to the satisfaction of the CCC. Any request   without compensation should it be necessary.

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