Page 14 - Dainfern Valley
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CLASSIFIEDS                                               DAINFERN VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS DISCLAIMER:

                                                                       Dainfern Valley makes no warranties or representations and bears no responsibility of any nature concerning goods, services or
                                                                       otherwise advertised here. All advertisements displayed are accepted for publication in good faith.

             ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGIST & DESIGNER –             RENOVATING YOUR DREAM HOME SHOULDN’T BE            He has painted the house on 1993 Callian Crescent.
             We are well established having designed houses in   STUDIO for all your Tile + Bathroom design needs. Use   PRIVATE TUITION - Give your child the edge and note
             yours and neighbouring areas for more than 30 years.   a trusted brand with over 40 years’ experience that can   the difference in their performance.
             We are registered with SACAP. We provide many       suit all styles; from eco-friendly to luxurious. Our Design   Qualified Experienced Teacher offering Private Tuition
             services including – Spatial planning and design advice,   Studio facilitates the design and specification process,   in the comfort of your home.
             Sketch designs to final submission drawings for new   offering an effortless, time-saving solution for all your   All School Subjects from Grade 1- Grade 12 (Except
             houses, alterations and additions. ALLISON’S DRAWING   bathroom and tiling needs. Our professional team   Grade 11&12, Mathematics and Science).
             OFFICE (est. 1965) - Contact Pat Armstrong on       of Interior Designers will assist with a wide range of   Supervision and help with homework. Study Notes.
             072 435 4625 or email:   services to help you realise your space. Contact us now   Test Preparation. Home Schooling. English Lessons for
                                                                 to book your appointment email: info@;   Adults and Children. Contact Chantelle on
             FRESH AIR – COOLING, VENTILATION AND                call 011 699 3500 EXT 257 or visit   082 9670 270
             - Established 1995. Specialise in design, installation,   OUTSTANDING CARE WORKER - Agatha, our trusted
             service and repair of Breezair systems, as well as   care worker, is needing a position after the passing
             Cool Breeze and most air conditioners, ranging from   of my dad in November 2018. She is an exceptionally
             Samsung, Daikin, Carrier, LG to mention a few. Contact   well groomed, honest and proud individual who has
    or call 083 628 4038 / 076 457 9449.   been a true asset to the care and well-being of my dad
                                                                 whilst he was alive. Agatha is caring, compassionate,
             LEGACY INSURANCE BROKERS - is a Short- Term         forms close bonds with her patients, is able to wash,
             Insurance Brokerage based in Gauteng, specialising   dress, mentally stimulate, do basic wound care and
             in customising all your insurance requirements. We   provide love and friendship to her patient. I can highly
             cover all Personal, Commercial Insurance and apply   recommended Agatha! Please feel free to contact
             preferential rates for security estate living. For more   Belinda on 082 412 6922 to arrange an interview.
             information contact Anthony Coward on 082 835
             4128 or email at Legacy   PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Quality work for interior
             Insurance Brokers CC is an Authorised Financial Services   and exterior painting. Waterproofing and damp
             Provider – FSP 48695. Legacy Insurance Brokers is   proofing services. For all your paint jobs contact Chikos
             a Juristic Representative of Galileo Risk (Pty) Ltd an   for competitive rates on 082 668 9615 or contact
             Authorised Financial Services Provider – FSP.       083 503 7392 for a reference. Highly recommended.

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