Page 18 - Dainfern Valley
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CLASSIFIEDS                                                               Dainfern Valley makes no warranties or representations and bears no responsibility of any nature concerning goods,
                                                                                                                      DAINFERN VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS DISCLAIMER:

                                                                                        services or otherwise advertised here. All advertisements displayed are accepted for publication in good faith.

           DIGITAL LEADS COMPANY - If you’re a business        would love to assist in providing you with a beautiful            Quote
           owner, you know that having the most incredible     garden. We specialise in garden up-grades, clean-
           product, the best service and great pricing is not enough   ups, installation of new gardens, irrigation installation
           to succeed. Your target market has to know, who you are   and repairs. Please give us a call for your gardening       of the
           and that you have the perfect solution for their problem.   requirements. Contact Tracy Dedlow on 083 625 9573.
           The question is, how do you get your message in front
           your ideal customers, cost effectively?  With the world   HOUSE PLANS - Do you have a copy of your current           Month
           spending more time online than ever before, digital   house plan, are they up to date with additions and
           marketing has to be part of every business’ marketing   alterations? Failure to have no plans may bring serious
           strategy. Digital marketing provides you with: incredible   and very expensive implications to you. The law requires
           audience targeting, excellent ROI, opportunity to have   plans for all houses, additions/alterations to be approved
           two-way engagement with potential customers. If you   by the local municipality.  Many people are unaware
           want: more of your ideal customers to increase customer   of the status of their house plans until it’s too late, and
           loyalty and engagement and grow sales - then let’s   serious expenses and legal issues start to develop. If the
           set-up a FREE strategy call and see how Digital Leads   house is in your name, you are legally responsible for the
           Company can assist you. Contact Kim on 076 429 6461 or   plans and what’s on the property in relation to the plans.
           email Visit our website   Feel free to call us with any questions you may have. DFI
           at          - Architectural Design Studio. 063 237 7208
           VENTILATION AND AIRCONDITIONING                     PET SITTER - Available over the Christmas/New Year
           TECHNICIANS AND ENGINEERS – Established             period (resides in Dainfern), happy to care, love and look
           1995. Specialise in design, installations, service and   after your fur babies whilst you have a well-deserved
           repair of Breezair systems, as well as Cool Breeze and air   break. Contact Wendy on 083 675 3954.
           conditioners ranging from Samsung, Daikin, Carrier, LG to
           mention a few. Contact or call John   SELL FOR CASH - Are you moving house, downsizing
           on 083 628 4038 or Daniel on 076 457 9449.          or just clearing your cupboards? Make instant cash from
                                                               your used stuff. We buy second hand clothes, shoes,
           GEORGE LANDSCAPING SERVICES - The                   bed linen towels, handbags, suitcases, kids’ books and
           personal touch with daily on-site supervision. With over   toys, kitchenware, etc. Call Lindy on 072 656 0470 email
           25 years of landscaping expertise and knowledge we

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