Page 15 - Dainfern Valley
P. 15


                                            VERGES                                                                  Festive Season
                                            With Summer well and truly here, we urge residents to attend to the
                                            verges in front of their homes as per the Rules of the Estate. Thank      HOLIDAY TIPS
                                            you in advance for your co-operation in this matter and assisting in
           WELCOME                          maintaining the high standard of Dainfern Valley.          •   Please ensure that a holiday   •   Please remember all windows and
                                            BUILDERS SHUT DOWN                                           instruction form is completed before   doors of the home should be locked
                                                                                                                                         before exiting the home.
                                                                                                         departure and handed in to the
                                            Builders shut down is fast approaching                       Security office. Please remember   •   As per safety regulations, all
                                            on Friday 11th December 2020, and as                         to include details of an emergency   swimming pools are to be covered
                                            renovations end, please  ensure that all rubble              contact person when completing the   with either a safety net or pool cover
                                            is neatly contained in a waste skip and  removed from site for the   form.                   when not in use.
    Welcome to the following new residents   Festive Season. All sites are to be clean and tidy.       •   Please make sure, if you are   •   Residents are advised to switch off
      to our beautiful Valley and trust your                                                             employing a house/petsitter, that   all electrical items that could result
       stay will be a long and happy one!   Residents must please make sure they use registered and credible   they know how to operate the alarm   in fire. With the risk of lightening
                                            skip removal businesses for the purpose of rubble and waste removal   and have the control room phone   and load-shedding during December
                                            as there are increasing incidents of illegal dumping in some areas   number handy.           which can increase the chances of
        Crystal and Anton Pretorius         which looks unsightly.                                     •   Preclearance of visitors, homesitters   power surges or power tripping
                                                                                                         and pet carers will be granted once   when it comes back on, remember to
               Shinya Ishizuka                 Following our                                             the holiday instruction form is   disconnect computers, TVs and other
                                               Building Care                                             completed.                      sensitive equipment.
        Hazelene and Nathan Singh              Audit, thank you
                                               to residents who
                                               have repainted                                                                  REMINDER
                                               their homes
     SECURITY EMERGENCY                        before the
                                               summer rains!
     079 060 5413                              They look simply                                          REMINDER OF SOME ESTATE RULES
                                                                                                        •   Good neighbourliness is to be
                                                                                                          exercised at all times especially with   covered each day and out of view of                                          IS
                 UPDATE YOUR CONTACT/ACCESS DETAILS AT THE ESTATE OFFICE                                  consideration to neighbours with   •   No discharge of outlet pipes,
                                                                                                          regard to noise aggravation.
                   Please contact Portia at the Estate Office or email to ensure that all   •   No trailers, caravans, boats may be   including swimming pools, are
                                                                                                                                         allowed onto our roads.  As per
                    contact details are up-to-date.  It often happens that a resident has a change in their e-mail or mobile   parked in driveways or in view from   Municipal By-Laws outlet pipes
                     number and forget to let management know. It is vitally important for security and communication   roads.           are to be connected directly into a
                       purposes that all resident information is up to date. At the same time, please also ensure that only   •   All air-conditioning units and solar   sewer.
                        people who need permanent access to your property are on the access system and that previous   geysers need to be covered and out   •   All dog faeces need to be removed
                         gardeners and domestic workers are removed from the system the moment they are no longer   of view of fellow residents.  from common areas while walking
                          employed at your home.  Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.       •  All building materials need to be   dogs on leashes.
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