Page 11 - Dainfern Valley
P. 11

WATER MATTERS                                                                         SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
                                                                           CURRENT            DURING A STORM
     HEAVY RAINS                                                        VAAL DAM              With the recent thunderstorms and heavy

                                                                                              winds in our area, it is important to be alert

                                                                                              and take care during such conditions, both
     IMPROVE THE DAM LEVELS                                              31.2%                indoors and outdoors.
                                                                                              Here are a few precaution tips one can take
                                                                                              when a heavy thunderstorm occurs:

                                                                                              • Avoid driving during stormy conditions.
                                                                                              Roads will be slippery and wet during bad
                                                            "The situation was exacerbated by   weather conditions.
                                                            the advent of a hot summer which
                                                            engendered scorching temperatures   • Always try to go indoors when there is a
                                                            that impacted negatively on the   heavy thunderstorm.
                                                            dam levels. However, as more
                                                            summer rains drench the country,   • If you cannot find suitable shelter, get in a
                                                            dam levels are expected to increase   car with a metal roof and sides. Make sure all
                                                            steadily until March next year," the   windows are rolled up and doors are closed.
                                                            department said.
                                                                                              • Keep away from concrete floors or walls.
                                                            According to the latest dam levels   Lightning can travel through any metal wires
                                                            report released by Water and      or bars in concrete walls or flooring.
                                                            Sanitation, Gauteng's dams have
                                                            stabilised at 92.5% in the past few   • Avoid water during a thunderstorm.
                                                            weeks.                            Lightning can travel through plumbing.
                                                                                              • Switch off all electronic equipment. This
                                                            Although the Vaal Dam on the south   includes television sets, kitchen appliances,
                                                            of the province had plunged to    radios, etc. Lightning can travel through
                                                            28%, the department said the heavy   electrical systems.
               he Vaal Dam, which is   boost the average dam levels by a   rains are expected to boost the dam
               Gauteng's main water   percentage or more.   levels.                           • Bring your pets indoors. Doghouses and
               supply, has been                                                               other pet shelters are not suitable protection
               shrinking week-on-  The Department of Water and   The Department of Water and   against lightning strikes.
               week and was sitting   Sanitation noted that for the past   Sanitation has appealed to South
    Ton 28% after a series      five months, the country's dam   Africans to continue saving water   • Stay away from isolated objects such as trees
    of heatwaves.               levels have been on the decline at   despite the heavy downpours. It will   and light posts.
                                a rate of one percentage week-on-  take some time before the low dams
    The torrential rains in major parts   week, with a drop of an estimated   return to their normal levels.  • If you are fishing or swimming, get out of the
    of the country are expected to   12% volumes of water.  Source:             water immediately, and move away from the
                                                                                              body of water. Being near water is extremely
                                                                                              dangerous during a lightning storm.
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