Page 9 - Dainfern Valley
P. 9
MERINGUE • Measure cold tap water into a medium mixing bowl.
Sprinkle contents of pack over the water, add cream cheese
and beat slowly until well blended.
• In a smaller mixing bowl whip the cream until firm. Add
to the cheesecake mix and fold in by hand or beat in on
slow speed only, until blended. Spray the inside of a 1 litre
yoghurt container with a non-stick spray.
• Decant the cheesecake mixture into a 1 litre empty
yoghurt container and refrigerate overnight.
Meringue Base and Individuals
• Adjust oven rack to middle position. Preheat oven to 140°C.
• Line two baking sheets with non-stick baking paper and
draw a 22cm circle on one of the baking paper linings.
• Separate 6 eggs. The whites go into a spotlessly clean,
large glass (not plastic) mixing bowl. Reserve the yolks to
make an egg custard, mayonnaise or to add to scrambled
eggs or mashed potatoes.
• Beat the egg whites with the electric beater on high
speed. Beat until the whites stand up in soft peaks. Do not
add sugar mixtures until this soft peak stage. Now gradually
add the sugar mixtures little by little while beating on high
speed. You will end up with a snow white, thick and shiny
meringue. Add the pink colour gel and fold in with a spatula
until lightly streaked through the meringue.
• Spoon and spread half of the meringue onto baking paper,
filling the 22cm circle.
• Shape ⅔ of the remaining meringue with two tablespoons
to make big free form meringues. Place on second baking
sheet. Shape the other ⅓ with two dessert spoons to make
slightly smaller meringues. Bake base and individuals
together in the oven.
• Bake at 140°C for 20 minutes, reduce temperature to 120°C
INGREDIENTS and dry the meringues out for a further 1 hour, remove the
Cheesecake Centre smaller meringues after 40 minutes. Switch off the oven and
• 1 x 250g Ina Paarman’s Lemon Flavour Cheesecake Mix leave the meringues and base to cool down in the oven.
• 180ml cold tap water
• 1 x 250g tub of fat reduced cream cheese To Assemble
• 25ml fresh cream, well chilled • Place the flat base on a cake stand. Punch a hole in the
bottom of the yoghurt container to release the air lock,
Meringue Mix
A beautiful and impressive festive • 2 x 125-g Ina Paarman’s Meringue Mix loosen the sides with a knife. Turn the cheesecake out in
the middle of the meringue base. Whip the cream and use
meringue dessert with a soft and smooth • 6 extra large eggs it as ‘glue’ to attach the meringues, fruit and flowers to the
• ± 3 drops pink food colouring
cheesecake centre. Presentation cheesecake.
• Rough up the outside of the cheesecake and build a tower
BY INA PAARMAN 125ml fresh cream, berries, edible flowers and icing sugar starting with big meringues and ending with smaller ones.
Decorate with fruit and flowers and dust with icing sugar.
for dusting Can be assembled 6 – 8 hours before serving.