Page 4 - Dainfern Valley
P. 4


          ffective 22 October 2020, the   containers cannot. They both have a triangle
          Dainfern Valley HOA appointed   with a number 1 inside it. Some stores have
          Whole Earth Recycling as its new   clearly marked labels with a line through the
   Eservice provider, replacing Pikitup   triangle to indicate when a product can’t
   due to its poor and unreliable service.   be recycled, and they also indicate when a
   Carmen Jordaan is the owner of the newly   product is “widely recycled” or not.
   appointed company.
                                   It’s important not to place non-recyclable
   Passionate about people and the   items into the recycling bin as this leads to
   environment, Carmen studied for her BSc   double handling and transporting, i.e. the
   in Environmental Management at the   non-recyclables will be transported to our
   University of Johannesburg, thereafter   warehouse and then again to the landfill. In
   completing her Honours Degree in 2007.  addition, the Hawk Flight workers are paid
                                   for the recyclables they sort but are not able
   When she took over Whole Earth Recycling   to generate an income for non-recyclables.
   in 2015, a group called the Hawk Flight   Over and above this, there is a cost involved
   sorters were already in place and have since   in having a private waste company collecting
   grown in numbers. There are currently   and disposing of the non-recyclables at
   about 30 sorters operating in the company’s   landfill,” she explains.
                                   For further information contact
   Carmen feels that her company can offer   Carmen on 011 791 4537.
   Dainfern Valley Estate a recycling collection
   service that is simple, reliable and hassle-
   free, while helping the Hawk Flight sorters
   to generate an income for themselves by
   sorting and selling the recyclables collected
   by her company.
   Recycling tips for residents
   Carmen says it is usually best for residents
   to have their indoor recycling bins right next
   to their general refuse bins. The closer they
   are, the easier they are to use.

   “If you’re not sure if a product is recyclable
   or not, try to find the recycling symbol   WHOLE EARTH RECYCLING:
   on the packaging. However, a triangle on
   its own doesn’t necessarily mean that a
   product is recyclable, for example PET   NEW SERVICE FOR DAINFERN VALLEY
   bottles can be recycled in South Africa but
   PET food packaging, such as transparent
   muffin trays and ready-made sandwich
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