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                                                                                                       The best of times

                                                                                                      The inaugural Cambridge Studies Dux   Head Boy and IEB Dux Scholar, Matthew   Joshua Gobalsamy was this year's
                                                                                                     Scholar was Xiaoya Huang  Pretorius and Principal Matthew Davies  recipient of the King Constantine medal
                                                                                                        s Matthew Davies,   Valediction service and then staged   as the recipient of the prestigious
                                                                                                        Principal of Dainfern   a magnificent Matric Dance to   Arthur Dean Memorial Trophy.
                                                                                                   ACollege, pointed out at the   ensure the Class of 2020 were able
                                                                                                   Valediction Service of the Matric   to end their High School career in a   As a member of the International
                                                                                                   Class of 2020, these famous lines   truly memorable way.   Round Square School network, the
                                                                                                   from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two            College awards the King Constantine
                                                                                The Walk of Honour was   Cities perfectly encapsulate the   “Our Grade 12s have been   Medal each year to a Grade 12
                                                                                redesigned to adhere to   experience the Grade 12s have had
                                                                                social distancing  in this ‘coronacoaster’ year.   incredibly brave and resilient   student who has lived out the
                                                                                                                           throughout the challenges of
                                                                                                                                                  Round Square IDEALS and Discovery
           THE BEST OF TIMES                                                                       At Dainfern College, the hard   lockdown and we were delighted   character traits. This year, the medal
                                                                                                                           to be able to celebrate them on
                                                                                                                                                  went to Joshua Gobalsamy.
                                                                                                   lockdown meant a near-seamless
                                                                                                                           campus as best we could while
                                                                                                                           observing COVID-19 protocols,” said
                                                                                                   transition to a remote learning
                                                                                                                                                  The service ended with the traditional
                                                                                                   programme and the students
                                                                                                   certainly benefited from the   Mr Davies.      Walk of Honour as the Matrics made
                                                                                                                                                  their way off campus one last time.
                                                                                                   technological sophistication of the   The Valediction service was held   The Walk was redesigned to ensure
                                                                                                   College systems which ensured   in the Multipurpose Hall at the   social distancing and the Grade 12s
                                                                                               It was the   uninterrupted delivery of the   College. This hall can accommodate   therefore walked from Grade 0 to the
                                                                                    best of times, it   academic programme. Students   1 500 in normal circumstances, but   Junior Prep, through the Senior Prep
                                                                                    was the worst of   gradually returned to their   was restricted to 250 for the service.  to the High School, and finally past
                                                                                    times, it was the   classrooms as restrictions were   Staff, Matrics and their parents   the staff, cheered on their way by the
                                                                                    age of wisdom,   lifted, and the Grade 12s were   attended this often-emotional   entire student and teacher body. The
                                                                                    it was the age   able to write their Preliminary   service that recognised the   Matrics were visibly moved by this
                                                                                    of foolishness, it   examinations on campus at the   achievements of the Grade 12s with   symbolic revisiting of their school
                                                                                    was the epoch   end of Term 2. However, it was   subject prizes, Values Awards and a   journey and emotions were high as
                                                                                    of belief, it was   only with the move to Level 1   number of trophies.   they hung their school ties on the
                                                                                    the epoch of   that staff were finally able to put            tree before leaving campus.
                                                                                    incredulity, it   arrangements in place for some   The College offers both IEB Matric
                                                                                    was the season   of the important Matric rites of   and Cambridge A Levels and this   Despite the challenges, frustrations
                                                                                    of light, it was   passage.            year the inaugural Cambridge   and disappointments of the year,
                                                                                    the season of                          Studies Dux Scholar was Xiaoya   there is no doubt
                                                                                    darkness, it was   The College certainly lived out its   Huang. Head Boy Matthew   that, for the Class
                                                                                    the spring of hope,   motto of ‘Celebrate’ as, in just three   Pretorius, who in his speech   of 2020, their
                                                                                    it was the winter   weeks, the High School organised   laughingly described his peers as   school days at
                                                                                    of despair.    three Colours assemblies, hosted   the Matrics with the cleanest hands   Dainfern College
   The class of 2020 just                                 The matric ties - a                ”     the Grade 12s at a relaxing Matric   in the history of Dainfern College,   were indeed the
   before the lockdown                                    much-loved tradition                     Retreat off campus, held a moving   was the IEB Dux Scholar as well   best of times.
  3      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT DAINFERN COLLEGE  Please contact the Marketing Manager  Mrs Deidré Proxenos  on 011 469 0635 or email:
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