Page 2 - Dainfern Valley
P. 2

A Word from our Chairman

            Dear Residents

            I am sure we are all glad that we are nearing the end of a year which
            has at best been challenging for most of us. I would like to thank all
            those residents who have contributed in various ways during the year
            to the well-being of those people who work on the estate and to the
            surrounding communities during the worst periods of the pandemic.
            It is that time of the year when we have traditionally sought to
            demonstrate our gratitude, at least financially, to those security
            personnel and gardening teams who ensure that our estate continues
            to be the incredible place that it is. The year-end collection for our
            security and gardening teams will commence in the next week or so and
            I implore all members to contribute as generously as they possibly can
            to this collection which is so appreciated by those who provide us with
            so much on a daily basis.
            The voting process to approve the sale of certain arrear debtors has
            been completed and there was a resounding vote in favour of the
            process. As a result, the vote will be adopted by the trustees at their
            next trustee meeting and the process will commence thereafter. Further
            communication in this regard will be provided to the members and
            specific communication will be sent to those members whose arrear
            levy accounts will be the subject of this process.
            I would like to wish all those young people writing their final exams the
            best of luck, and to those going on holidays in the next few weeks safe
                                        Sebastian Carter
            travels and have a good rest.

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