Page 2 - Dainfern Valley_Issue 2_2022
P. 2
A Word from our Chairman
Dear Residents
I would like to welcome Neville Willemse who assumed the role
of Estate General Manager on Friday 1 April. Neville has lived on
the estate for many years and has been an active Board member
and advisor to the Board since moving from the estate about 12
months ago. Neville is excited by the opportunity and plans to play
a very active role in managing the estate with the rest of the team.
Please pop past the estate office should you have not met Neville
and I request that we all support him in his new role. The Board is
very excited to have Neville join the team and we wish him all the
best in his new role.
Ongoing attention is being given to restoring various areas of the
riverbanks which were damaged by the recent floods and that
process will continue in the winter months. Judy and the Servest
team are busy planning their winter colour planting on both sides
of the estate, which she promises to be amazing.
As a result of the last newsletter having been circulated just prior
to the February EGM, I wish to confirm that the budget and levy
were approved at the EGM and in this regard, it should be noted
that the levy has increased by 6% to R3 740, which has effect from
1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023.
I would like to wish all those families going on school holiday safe
Sebastian Carter
Yours sincerely