Page 9 - Dainfern Valley_Issue 2_2022
P. 9



   The resident will contact emergency number   Dainfern Valley Control will contact reaction
   079 060 5413 stating that he/she may have a   officers and inform them to have their
   suspicion that he/she is being followed from    vehicles on standby outside the gate with
   his/her current location.           flashing lights on.

   Dainfern Valley Control will request the   Gate Officers will be informed and on standby
   following information from the resident:  to ensure that the resident can get easy access
   • Resident's name                   into the estate.
   • Resident's cell number
   • Resident's vehicle registration number  On arrival at the gate, Dainfern Valley
 •    • Resident's vehicle make        reaction vehicle will take over from BDA and,
   • Resident's vehicle colour         escort the resident to their house.
   • Suspect’s vehicle colour
   • Suspect’s vehicle registration number  Once the resident is safely at home the
   • Suspect’s vehicle make            reaction officer will check with the resident if
   • How many suspects in the vehicle  he/she is fine.

   Dainfern Valley Control will immediately contact   The BDA Vehicle will immediately identify the
   the BDA vehicles and inform them of the   suspicious vehicle and follow it, until it leaves
   situation and what vehicles to look out for.  the BDA area. The BDA officer will supply
                                       Dainfern Valley control room with full details
   The Resident will be requested to switch on   once the suspicious vehicle has left the area.
   their hazards as soon as they come close to the
   corner of William Nicol and Broadacres Drive   A permanent lookout for this vehicle will be
   (So that the BDA security can immediately   given to all officers and surrounding estates.
   identify the vehicle in possible distress).  SAPS will be informed.                                                                            
     n  HOW TO DEAL WITH ROAD RAGE Aggressive driving is a major concern and a real threat to the safety of all road users.
     Here are a few tips on how to deal with aggressive   Do not take it personally: Be polite and courteous,   • Control your anger.


     drivers, plus helpful hints to reduce your own stress   even if the other driver is not. Avoid any conflict, if   • Avoid making eye contact with an aggressive driver.  0 079 060 5413
     while driving:                            possible. If another driver challenges you, take a deep   • Do not make obscene gestures.
     Protect yourself: If you are dealing with an aggressive   breath and move out of the way. Never underestimate   • Do not tailgate.          DAINFERN
     driver, make sure your car’s doors are locked. If you are   the other driver's capacity for causing harm.  • Use your horn sparingly — even a polite honk can be
     stopped in the traffic, leave enough room to pull out   Reduce your own stress: Understand that you cannot      misinterpreted.             CONTROL
     from behind the car you are following. If an aggressive   control the traffic, only your reaction to it.   • Do not block the passing.    EMERGENCY
     driver confronts you, call 10111 or drive to the nearest   Be a courteous driver: You can set a good example,
  4  police station.                           which can help make our roads safer.      Sources:
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