Page 5 - Energize January 2021
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1 | All the “news” of the new year
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4 | New transformer monitoring technology gives speedy results
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5 | Tackling the challenge of electrifying 60 000 houses in Africa
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6 | EPC energises Greefspan II PV plant
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8 | Growing solar in Africa
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8 | Training for machine maintenance teams available
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9 | Power grids’ digital enterprise solutions integrated and rebranded
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10 | Another green project joins North West province’s green power map
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10 | The digital sensor age is here
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11 | Redefining power distribution through digitisation
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12 | Taking standardised electrical designs into new markets
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12 | New smokestack instrumentation a towering success
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13 | Graduate employer of choice 2020
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14 | City powers up its own future with increased uptake from IPPs
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15 | Mitsubishi Electric’s new ACB reduces installation and maintenance stress
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15 | Food retailers make predictive maintenance a reality
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16 | Renewables, energy storage and the future of smart cities
17 | Additional 140 MW of wind capacity reaches COD
18 | Connected solutions for construction equipment
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18 | World's largest utility-scale battery energy storage system online
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20 | Kipeto wind power project connected to national grid
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21 | African Rainbow Energy and Power acquires stake in SOLA Group
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22 | Ending 2020 on a high note
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22 | Water heater delivers ultra-efficient, eco-friendly performance with award-winning design
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23 | Gas-to-power options emerge on local energy scene
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24 | There’s energy storage and then there’s clean, quiet energy storage
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19 | DEHNguard with ACI technology: Safety redefined
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25 | Power developments in Africa
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26 | South Africa’s electricity supply: What’s tripping the switch?
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28 | REDZ role in South Africa’s just energy transition
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29 | Developments in PV module technology initiates new high-power technology platform
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31 | The application of blockchain technology in power systems
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33 | Advanced metering infrastructure: A step towards the smart grid
energize | January 2021 | 3