Page 26 - Energize June 2021
P. 26
Power developments in Africa
Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media
Zambia set to change the rules Increasing its share of solarPV
Zambia’s Electricity Act seeks to shift the sector from a single buyer market to a multi buyer Investment company Mergence Unlisted
market. ZESCO, a vertically integrated power utility which is responsible for generation, Investment Managers Namibia now
transmission, distribution and supply of electricity in the country, was compelled to purchase owns 66% of Ejuva solar power plants in
power from all IPPs or to import power when there was a deficit. The country now seeks to Namibia. The Ejuva solar plants were built
increase the number of participants in the sector. ZESCO is likely to remain a key player due to under the Feed-in Tariff Scheme (REFiT)
existing asset ownership and PPAs and service agreements. initiated by the Namibian government
to attract investment from independent
power producers (IPPs). Ejuva consists
Solar PV and battery storage Additional power from two new of two adjacent solar PV plants, located
system planned plants in Gobabis in Namibia. The Ejuva solar
photovoltaic plants, Ejuva One Solar
The 20 MW Golomoti solar power plant, Two plants that launched operations last Energy and Ejuva Two Solar Energy,
which is being built in the Dedza district of month are located in Kael and Kahone in each with a capacity of 5 MW, can
Malawi, will be equipped with a 10 MWh Western Senegal and have a total capacity supply 25,8 GWh into NamPower’s
battery power storage system. The project of 60 MW. Kahone Solaire SA and Kaél grid each year, under a 25-year power
will be undertaken by Chinese company Solaire SA are owned 40% by Engie, 40% purchase agreement.
Sungrow Power Supply and managed by Meridiam and 20% by Fonsis. These
by JCM Power and InfraCo Africa.The companies have signed power purchase
installation will include a PV inverter, an agreements (PPAs) with the Senegalese Zimbabwean mine goes for
MV station, an all-in-one power conversion national electricity company (Senelec). solar power
system, a battery container and an energy They will provide energy at tariffs of 3,98
management system (EMS).The system will and 3,80 Euro cents (about R0,68 and Construction of a large solar PV power
feed into Malawi’s national power grid via the R0,65) per kilowatt hour, respectively – plant at Zimbabwe’s Blanket mine is set
Golomoti station, which will operate a 132 kV one of the lowest prices for electricity in to commence in the second half of 2021.
transmission line. sub-Saharan Africa. The construction of the plant has been
awarded to the French company Voltalia
and is expected to be operational
Ageing infrastructure blamed for power outages by the second quarter of 2022. The
plant will be built on a 40-hectare site
Many areas of the Republic of Congo have suffered long-term power outages due to a fault and implemented in three phases.
in the third turbine at Congo’s power station which caused voltage variations on the ageing Each phase will provide a production
redistribution network. The energy ministry says the situation will take time to be resolved, capacity of 6,55 MW. When complete,
despite the impatience of the populace. The country produces 600 MW of electricity which is this solar plant will supply 19,65 MW
insufficient to meet the energy needs of its major cities. Apparently, only 6% of the hydroelectric to the Blanket mine, which has been in
potential is available to the major centres. operation since 1904.
Huge opportunities for off-grid Islands to receive solar powered US$100-million investment for
solar electrification off-grid solar plants
The Democratic Republic of Congo Renewvia Energy Corporation is set to The Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC) offers a compelling opportunity become a major player in rural electrification (DRC) is looking to decentralised solar
for investment in off-grid solar power. in Kenya. The company has partnered with to accelerate the electrification process
The country has a large population of 80 Social Investment Managers and Advisors across the country. This solution will be
million, with a low electrification rate of (Sima) to electrify several communities via implemented in the cities of Bumba, Isiro
just 9%, ranging from 1% in rural areas off-grid solar systems. This US$90-million, and Gemena, which are located in the
to 19% in urban areas. There is excellent five-year fund finances decentralised solar country’s northern region and currently
solar potential in the range 3,6 to 4,8 kWh/ system providers in sub-Saharan Africa and have no connection to the country’s power
kW, but with poor grid reliability, making South Asia. Renewvia will receive $1-million network.The solar power plants to be
distributed off-grid solar power plants to expand access to electricity on the islands installed in these cities will have a capacity
an ideal solution. To date, many of the of Ringiti and Ndeda in Lake Victoria, where of between 3 and 10 MW. The government
activities in the region have been focused the company already operates two solar mini- selected the Eranove Group, with AEE
on east Africa with little attention given to grids. The project will benefit 2200 people Power and Gridworks as preferred bidders
central Africa. and small businesses on the two islands. for the construction of these installations.
energize | June 2021 | 24