Page 17 - Energize July 2021
P. 17


        450 MHz Alliance and power grid firm develop communications solutions

             itachi ABB Power Grids   systems and service at Hitachi ABB Power Grids. “The 450 MHz spectrum is fundamental to meeting the
             has joined the 450 MHz   communication requirements of the digital grid and industrial operations. Hitachi ABB Power Grids is
       HAlliance, which brings       committed to working alongside our ecosystem partners and the 450 MHz Alliance, bringing our long-
        together carriers, spectrum   standing industry expertise to ensure that our customers can access this vital resource with maximum
        owners and equipment, terminal   reliability and cybersecurity.”
        and solution vendors to drive   “We are very pleased to welcome Hitachi ABB Power Grids to the 450 MHz Alliance. Hitachi ABB Power
        development of mobile networks   Grid’s expertise and experience will further expand the 450 MHz ecosystem by bringing top-of-the-line
        in the 450 MHz frequency     solutions, as more countries allocate the 400 MHz spectrum for mission critical communication”, said Igor
        band. As natural disasters and   Virker, managing director of 450 MHz Alliance.
        cyber threats increase, wireless   Hitachi ABB Power Grids operates across the entire power value chain within industrial and utility
        communication solutions on   operations, from transmission, distribution, substations and instrumentation equipment, to communications
        450 MHz will play a vital role in   and applications. Hitachi ABB Power Grids’ participation in the 450 MHz Alliance brings expertise, built over
        ensuring reliable connectivity   a century of technology and market leadership in the electricity and industrial sectors.
        for customers’ mission-critical   Hitachi ABB Power Grids’ TRO600 wireless portfolio offers the optimal combination of industrial
        applications.                wireless technologies to suit multiple industrial use cases. Customers can reap the benefits of digitalization,
           As a leading provider of   increased safety, operational efficiency, and reduced operating cost. The company places great focus on
        power grid and mission-critical   highly reliable, mission-critical communications to ensure “always-on” operations for its customers.
        industrial solutions, Hitachi ABB
        Power Grids wants to support   Contact Thembisile Dzonzi, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, Tel 10 202-5000,
        the ecosystem and help promote
        its use in industrial and utility
           Global utilities and
        industrial players need
        more resilient and flexible
        communication networks
        as they transition to a
        decentralized, digitalized
        and decarbonized operating
        model. The 450 MHz frequency
        helps address this critical
        connectivity need by providing
        wider reach at a reasonable
        cost. This is particularly
        important in emergencies
        or disasters, where reliable
        connectivity can provide first
        responders with the data        CONTINUOUS
        necessary to protect lives and   POWER TO
        property. Alongside cellular
        technology such as long-term    ENSURE
        evolution (LTE) and 5G, the 450
        MHz frequency band and the      SUSTAINABILITY
        applications in the eco-system
        will drive the next wave of
        industrial communications.
           “Regulators are
        acknowledging the
        urgent need for reliable
        communications supporting
        critical infrastructure,”
        said Dr. Claus Vetter, group
        senior vice president and
        head of automation and
        communication products,

           energize | July 2021 | 15
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