Page 19 - Energize July 2021
P. 19


        Eaton South Africa retains B-BBEE Level 1 for

        fourth consecutive year

            aton South Africa, a global power management company with manufacturing and
            distribution sites in South Africa, has secured its fourth consecutive Broad-based Black
       EEconomic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Level 1 status, affording it a 135% procurement
        recognition level.
           The company scored a total of 100,12 points in its most recent assessment, with key metrics
        including 25,5% ownership and 13,51% black women ownership.
           “Retaining our Level 1 B-BBEE status provides Eaton with a competitive advantage in the South
        African market, as other companies that similarly place a high priority on transforming the local
        economy are able to partner with us as consultants and suppliers to meet their power management
        needs,” says Themba Leshaba, Human Resources Business Partner at Eaton South Africa.
           “We have a committed team across our different business units that have worked together
        to help the business achieve this milestone,” he adds.
           Many international brands operating in South Africa struggle to achieve the local ownership   Themba Leshaba
        requirements laid out in the B-BBEE guidelines, but Eaton South Africa’s parent company
        understands the need for local transformation. With this in mind, it partnered with Lion Pride
        Investment Holdings, which is a 25.5% shareholder in Eaton South Africa.  challenging economic environment.”
           “We also pride ourselves on Inclusion and Diversity as part of our Human Resources   Eaton’s procurement strategy is to
        strategy. Our Human Resources department ensures that vacant positions are filled by   carefully select suppliers that also have a
        the best candidates for the job, that we appoint and promote on merit, while focusing on   high B-BBEE level – particularly with black
        transformation.”                                                          female ownership.
           Eaton also invests extensively in further education with its bursary programme that funds   “Our unrelenting focus on transforming
        tertiary studies for the children of employees. Eaton also funds bursaries of students from the   our business and our industry positions
        communities where we operate, who are studying for careers in power management or other   Eaton well to accelerate our business success
        related fields. We have a good track record with regards to the absorption of some of the   in South Africa and further afield,” Leshaba
        students that have been placed in various departments in the business.    adds. “Not only are we a supplier of choice to
           One of our values at Eaton is Learning. We drive continuous improvement through learning   other businesses and public sector partners
        on the job and studying part-time to improve educational qualifications. There is extensive   who are as focused on transformation as
        investment in employee development driven through our performance management system   we are, but we will attract the continent’s
        where each employee is expected to have a development plan.               leading talent, in turn build higher-
           With the power management sector being a highly specialised industry, Eaton has   performing teams and provide exceptional
        additionally focused on helping its suppliers grow. “We identify small businesses that can   service and solutions to our clients.”
        provide value added services, and implement service agreements with them, with the goal of
        empowering them and helping them build more sustainable businesses,” Leshaba explains.   For more information, visit
        “We are very proud of how we are helping emerging businesses grow, despite the prevailing

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