Page 23 - Energize July 2021
P. 23


        Sustainable mining starts with energy innovations

        A podcast from Cummins               trucks and excavators. These include vehicles
                                             powered by battery electric systems, fuel cells
                hat do mining trucks that carry   and advanced diesel engines.
                loads as heavy as an airliner and   Whether you oversee facilities, work in
        Wthe facilities of your company, or   maintenance, or lead a business, you could
        even your home; have in common? They each   benefit from hearing about the mining
        feature similar engines within their power   industry’s journey in leveraging energy
        systems. The International Energy Agency   and power generation technologies and
        estimates that 4% of the world’s energy is used   innovations in addressing economics and   Dr. Thomas Hillig
        by the mining sector. To make the 4% more   sustainability.
        relatable, this is a little more than Germany                             The duo then leads listeners through a virtual
        or Canada’s annual energy consumption. The   Click here to listen to the podcast  tour of a modern mine site and debate:
        mining sector leads many other sectors when                               •  How do energy and power innovations
        it comes to energy innovations.      Join Thomas Hillig and Beau Lintereur as they   help the mining industry improve
           The mining industry pursues two   start with interesting anecdotes around the   sustainability and reduce environmental
        categories of innovations to manage its energy   role of mining in our modern, connected   impact?
        use.                                 lives. Did you know an average infant born   •  What makes some of the world’s top
           First is the site or system level energy   today will need a lifetime supply of over 20   miners get recognized as the most
        innovations. In a mine, a considerable amount   tonnes of lead, zinc, copper, aluminium, and   innovative companies?
        of energy is used for mineral processing; and   iron? That is the same weight as about 14   •  Healthcare facilities, data centres,
        miners are investing in renewable power   passenger cars.                   manufacturing facilities or commercial
        sources and micro-grids to power these   Thomas and Beau then dive into tech   buildings; learnings from the mining
        operations.                          metals, and how human-kind’s recent focus on   sector that other industries can leverage
           Second is the asset level energy   decarbonisation, sustainability, digitalisation,   in their energy systems.
        innovations, meaning energy innovations   and connectivity drive the rise of tech metals   •  Why watch predictive analytics and
        on the mobile equipment, such as haul   such as copper, lithium, cobalt, and nickel.  prognostics closely?

        Danfoss showcases its                                  the Eurocool Middelburg and Pretoria branches. Follow-up events were
                                                               then planned for Randburg (Gauteng) and Bloemfontein in June, and
        expertise in partnership with                          Cape Town and Durban in July.
                                                                  This expo is intended to demonstrate the latest energy-efficient
        Eurocool HVAC roadshows                                products, outlining and demonstrating the benefits of the product to
                                                               the HVAC and refrigeration industry, as well as giving delegates the
                                                               chance to meet different partners in the industry and interact with
             anfoss, a market leader in the manufacture of variable speed   them on various technical aspects of the products and solutions.
             drives, soft starters, refrigeration components, compressors and   “The events provide an informal yet strongly interactive platform
       Dswitches, recently took part in a number of different road shows   for the HVAC and Refrigeration industry to engage in discussion about
        around the country, with further events to come.       challenges and solutions, and discuss the latest technologies available,”
           Danfoss is a supporting partner of Eurocool, a leading wholesaler in the   explains Roy Naidoo, Danfoss Climate Solutions Sales Director, Danfoss
        HVAC and refrigeration industry, which is part of the Beijer Ref AB Group.   South Africa.
           The Eurocool ‘On the Road’ 2021 Expo kicked off in April, hosted at   Danfoss has presented a number of different topics at the road
                                                               shows via streaming videos, including wider information on the
                                                               increased reliability of AC systems and industrial refrigeration trends,
                                                               as well as more focused, specific topics such as how an HVAC split mini-
                                                               system works and how to prevent compressor failure, to name just a few.
                                                                  “A presence at live events offers excellent access to a targeted
                                                               and interested audience, as well as offering the opportunities for
                                                               networking and staying on top of industry trends and customer pain
                                                               points. The Eurocool road show events are giving us the opportunity
                                                               to showcase Danfoss’ credibility and brand, which is why we strongly
                                                               support the ongoing and enduring value of live events, wherever
                                                               possible, as a vital complement to online information in today’s digital
                                                               world, Naidoo concludes.

                                                               Contact Lynne McCarthy, Marketing & Communications Specialist,
                                                               Danfoss Turkey, Middle East & Africa.

                                                    energize | July 2021 | 21
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