Page 26 - Energize July 2021
P. 26


        PV panel maker appoints black-owned company as SA distributor

            outh African specialist end-to-end infrastructure business Dartcom,
            has signed an agreement with International solar technology giant,
       SLONGi Solar for the distribution of its solar panels in South Africa.
        With continued grid power constraints, many South African citizens,
        businesses and industries are looking for alternative power solutions. Solar
        is becoming the most popular of these. The demand for solar infrastructure
        has further increased with government’s recent announcement to increase
        the private sector’s licence-free generation limit.
           “As one of the most sought-after solar technologies globally, this
        partnership allows Dartcom to provide world-class solar products for
        residential, commercial, industrial and utility scale projects in sub-Saharan
        Africa. It also dovetails perfectly with the establishment of our own   leadership in the manufacturing of mono-crystalline silicon products,
        renewable energy division, Oragen Energy, which will provide bespoke   delivering higher efficiency to its partners. With its partnership with
        alternative energy solutions to businesses and consumers alike,” says   Dartcom, LONGi will continue to grow its footprint in sub-Saharan Africa
        Dartcom CEO, Brett Nash.                               to ensure top quality products are delivered to the region.
           The deal will see Dartcom import, warehouse and distribute various   “Dartcom is well-placed to market these panels to South African
        product ranges of LONGi Solar panels in bulk.          installers, EPCs and large corporates looking to source directly through its
           “A little-known fact is that Dartcom, a level 1 B-BBEE contributor,   marketplace. Oragen Energy can further assist with project development,
        has grown to become one of the largest and trusted suppliers of Li-ion   solar design and engineering, installation and construction, operation and
        batteries in South Africa. The scale of Dartcom’s logistic and distribution   maintenance, as well as providing funding solutions for projects ranging
        footprint across South Africa enables it to purchase, warehouse and   from rooftop, small land based and utility projects,” says Oragen Energy’s
        transport large quantities of stock at competitive prices. “Our intention is   Managing Director, Johan Cilliers.
        to leverage all of our strengths to achieve similar results with LONGi Solar   Installers, EPCs and customers across Sub-Saharan Africa can pre-
        panels, providing world-class solutions to our customers,” says Nash.   order their panels online at from 5 July 2021.
           LONGi is the world largest solar company with a production capacity
        of over 50 GW. Breaking the global shipment record by shipping over 24   Contact Johan Cilliers, Oragen Energy, Tel 012 345-7530, johan.
        GW of modules globally last year, LONGi is dedicated to maintaining its

        Resistance thermometers for hazardous areas                               process connection or the tolerance classes
                                                                                  deliverable on request.

         nstrotech offers Kobold’s TWL resistance thermometers,                   Features
         specifically designed to be used in hazardous areas. The DIN-            •  Measuring ranges: -80°C…+600°C
       Icompliant products are supplied with ATEX approvals for ignition          •  Pt100 sensor class A, respectively class B
        protection Exd or Exia.                                                   •  Output: Resistance or analogue 4-20 mA
           The Kobold TWL resistance thermometers comprise a rugged               •  Thermowells up to 1000, 3000
        installation fitting made of stainless steel with thread, flange or         respectively 5000 mm (depending on
        weld-on connection, a connection head out of aluminium casting              model)
        and a removable measuring element. The measuring insert can be            •  Option: Head transmitter with HART-
        replaced without emptying the installation, since the customised            protocol or PROFIBUS/Fieldbus, display
        thermowell remains in the installation and seals the process. The         •  For ATEX applications, ignition protection
        instruments are supplied with the ignition protection Exd as a              Exd
        standard and therefore can be installed in relevant hazardous areas.
        Head transmitter                                                          Kobold TWL with thread-, flange- or weld-on
        Resistance thermometers with head transmitter are used whenever           connection measure temperatures of liquids,
        a measuring signal must be transported long distance without any          solids and gaseous media. The reliable
        disturbance. The head transmitter which is encapsulated in epoxide        watertight nature of these installation
        resin is located right in the connection head and delivers a temperature-linear output signal   methods for gauge pressure and vacuum is an
        of 4-20 mA. It is available with standardised communication systems such as HART protocol or   important criteria for selection. Applications
        PROFIBUS/Fieldbus.                                                        are in air-conditioning and cooling, heating-,
           Depending on customer requirement, the temperature sensor can be carried out as 2-, 3- or 4-wire   furnace-, mechanical- and apparatus-
        circuit. Alternatively, these sensors can be designed as single or double resistance thermometers. The   construction, as well as for industry in
        exception here would be the four-wire version, which can only be built with one Pt100 due to lack of   general.
        space. As an option the resistance thermometers can be supplied with a head transmitter.
           Beside the available resistance thermometers according to DIN standard, there are   Contact Instrotech, Tel 010 595-1831,
        customised versions relating to the immersion length, the connection head, the materials, the

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