Page 24 - Energize July 2021
P. 24



            o power up awareness of APP’s pioneering and innovative role in electrical connectors, its
            product offering and technology excellence to Africa, Alexander and Poole – together with
        TAPP – are boosting their long-standing and key partnership to grow the APP footprint and
        product profile in different target sectors locally.
           Alexander and Poole, founded over 40 years ago, is instrumental to this growth by currently
        focusing on a concerted sales and marketing effort to drive awareness around the APP product
        range, says Juanita Fisher-Hill, National Sales Manager for Alexander and Poole, responsible for
        the sale and distribution of APP products in South Africa.
           “APP and Alexander and Poole’s very solid relationship, which has been nurtured for more
        than 37 years, has gone from strength to strength,” adds Chris Mason, Regional Sales Manager for
        Anderson Power Products in the UK.
           Mason further explains: “Where traditionally APP – and Alexander and Poole locally -
        were focused on material handling, some new changes include a market expansion and the
        consideration of other market segments to drive activity. These include the solar, commercial and
        consumer markets – with specific requirements, such as in the 4X4 market, the electro mobility
        (e-mobility) and energy sectors; as well as the data communication sectors.”  Chris Mason
           In addition, Mason notes that APP and Alexander and Poole are also achieving increased sales
        success, with targets in 2020 being successfully met, and growth exceeding that of the previous year.  of-concept and consistency of performance.
           Fisher-Hill agrees, highlighting that Alexander and Poole achieved several record months for   Alexander and Poole’s efforts locally
        sales (turnover) since the notable record month of November 2020.         highlight this product reliability and
                                                                                  consistency, with Fisher-Hill proactively
        Power pioneer                                                             reaching out to the local market through
        APP, as an international ISO 9001-certified manufacturer and developer of high quality, cost-  enhanced market communication, technical
        effective power interconnect solutions for industries, offers innovative, state-of-the-art electrical   training for customers on APP products, and
        power connector solutions.                                                customer support – backed by assistance
           “We will also guide customers to select the right connector based on specified criteria,   from Mason.
        provide engineering expertise coupled with a safety agency-certified team of qualified laboratory   “It is Alexander and Poole’s objective to
        technicians and provide full support to customers’ visions,” Mason explains.  make each customer feel valued and heard,
           “Meanwhile, APP has excellent knowledge in understanding safety standards and the specific   through the provision of customised product
        performance required for various markets and geographic regions - having exceptionally trained and   solutions to fit their specific needs,” Fisher-
        qualified associates which provide high-quality products in line with ISO 9001-certification,” he says.  Hill notes.
           “This quality offering is supported by excellent customer service from distributors such as   Mason adds that Alexander and Poole
        Alexander and Poole, which provides exceptional technical and ordering support.  forms part of a strong value channel in
           In addition, multiple manufacturing and distributor locations globally allow for a shorter   being the ‘face’ of APP and providing the
        lead time – from order placement to receipt of product – and help to streamline logistics and   expertise and knowledge locally. “The
        international shipping costs,” Mason adds.                                investment from APP and Alexander and
                                                                                  Poole as our sole distributor in South Africa,
        Powerful connections                                                      in enhancing internal processes, systems,
        As a power pioneer, APP builds on a decades-long reputation of innovation in the manufacture   order placements and pricing will create a
        of power connections: particularly around the electrical connector and its flat wiping   solid foundation on which to successfully
        technology design.                                                        build a lasting business which will not only
           Mason explains that the technology, invented in 1953, offers a powerful connection capability   sustain growth but ensure many ‘powerfully
        by ensuring consistent connector contact. The technology comprises stainless steel springs that   connected’ customers going forward!”
        provide a constant contact force while the silver-plated pure copper contacts have tips which
        absorb arcing damage when the connectors mate.                            Contact Juanita Fisher-Hill,
           “Because of the material used, APP expects its contacts to perform at 10 000 cycles and more   Alexander and Poole, Tel 011 902-0188,
        in their lifetime,” he highlights, emphasising that the differentiator to APP’s offering lies in proof-

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