Page 3 - Energize November 2021
P. 3
How to spend R131-billion
by Roger Lilley, Now Media
e heard recently that the government had secured This may sound melodramatic, but the fact remains that the
commitments for $8,5-billion (about R131-billion) pushback against the changes (for the better) that the current
Wfrom Britain, France, Germany, the US and the EU leadership are making at Eskom is becoming more vociferous and
to finance the installation of more clean energy generators, aggressive.
accelerate the country’s transition away from coal power and We wish that these “experts” who speak out against the increase
provide some support for those who may be negatively affected in frequency and depth of load shedding were doing so for altruistic
by the country’s move away from coal. reasons, but we find it impossible to believe that their motivation is
South Africa, as a signatory to the Paris Accord, must pure.
reduce its overall CO 2 emissions to help tackle climate change. So then, how will the R131-billion be spent? I can just about hear
Our greatest emitter of CO 2 is Eskom. But we cannot do much someone say: “Well, a Bentley convertible costs about R4-million, so
about that without help. These generous donors are willing we’ll have one of those. And of course, a R3-million Maserati for the
to help South Africa reduce the amount of CO 2, NOx, SOx and wife. Then we’ll need an eight bedroomed home in Gordon’s Bay (for
deadly particulates its coal-fired powers stations emit into the about R22-million) as our holiday home, not forgetting all that lovely
atmosphere by funding a transition away from the use of coal for jewellery, the multi-million rand watch and expensive clothes to wear
electricity generation. during our numerous overseas ’business’ trips which we’ll take in First
But our question is “How will the money be spent?”. Class, naturally.”
Over the last decade, we have witnessed the diversion of There are sure to be sufficient middlemen with such intentions
huge amounts of money from Eskom and other state-owned and desires to make a sizeable hole in R131-billion, especially if those
enterprises (SOEs) into the pockets of unscrupulous businessmen, pesky honest people could be removed from positions of control.
politicians, SOE employees and their friends. We wonder if the
money will be used for the purpose for which it will be given. We No. This is unthinkable. Society and government cannot allow this
are concerned by the many “middlemen” who take their cut in conspiracy to plunder go ahead.
every transaction while officials look the other way.
Recent developments at Eskom’s power stations point to a But how to prevent it?
conspiracy to undermine the credibility of the existing Board We believe that it is incumbent upon the two senior men in the
of management and the CEO. Recent “accidents” at certain energy sector – the minister of public enterprises and the minister of
power stations have increased the likelihood of load shedding mineral resources and energy - to stand together against all further
significantly. Indeed, the accidents at power stations and a power attempts to divert money from its intended recipients.
line tower are proving to be acts of sabotage. This could and should be done by the appointment of a totally
Some people who previously held very senior positions at independent body of trustworthy individuals who, including their
the power utility – but have been forced out (although they wives and children, have no links to Eskom or IPPs, or to any of their
will claim they resigned of their own volition) – have started suppliers, or to Government, and who would be willing to be exposed
speaking out publicly via social media, claiming that the current to public scrutiny. This body, which would be directly responsible to
CEO has failed the country by reneging on his promise to reduce the president of the country, would control the use of the money,
load shedding. ensuring that prices had not been inflated and that multiple layers of
It is regrettable that some popular radio stations and TV supply would be impossible.
broadcasters have aided these men, who pose as “independent In this way, the public could be assured of a clean audit of the
energy experts”, by granting them a platform to spread their R131-billion, the acceleration of the closure of the oldest and dirtiest
propaganda against the current leadership. of Eskom’s coal-fired power stations, the construction, with battery
It seems that what’s really going on behind the scenes is a storage, of new renewable energy power plants, and the required
serious attempt to discredit Eskom’s existing leadership in order transmission and distribution equipment to route the power to as
to get them replaced by people who would give these “experts” many South Africans as possible.
and their friends access to the R131-billion so that they could
spend it on themselves. Send your comments to
energize | November/December 2021 | 1