Page 9 - Energize January 2022
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Modern drives improve energy efficiency, cut costs
he growing need to reduce energy use and CO 2 emissions, ABB Ability condition monitoring services, which allow customers
while cutting operational costs, is seeing ‘unprecedented to obtain real-time data about the status and performance of the
Tlevels’ of interest in energy-efficient technologies – including monitored equipment from any location. The drive is supplied
low and medium voltage drives - across sub-Saharan Africa, says “Ready to connect” to the ABB Ability condition monitoring
power and automation technology group ABB. services, which simplifies on-demand remote support.
Drives have a significant potential for energy-saving across “Since the launch of the 3,3 kV voltage range, we have seen a
a range of industries, including power, water and wastewater, significant growth in local order intake from both existing and new
cement, mining, metals and pulp and paper. By controlling the customers. This is a clear indication that the market has realized
speed and torque of motors, drives can reduce energy usage by the product is well positioned to offer a value proposition backed
between 30 and 50%, thereby significantly improving industrial by a very well-established local service team”, says McCree.
energy efficiency. Drives are used to adapt the motor speed to
the actual need, which optimises energy consumption and lowers Contact Ofentse Dijoe, Phone 010 202-5105,
environmental impact.
ABB’s product marketing manager Sean McCree says that while
financial decision-makers are generally attracted by the potential
of drives to save costs and reduce energy consumption, electrical
engineers are realising major benefits through greater network
reliability, reduction of maintenance and greater mechanical
equipment longevity.
“There’s a growing demand for energy-efficient products in
the sub-Saharan market which considers the region’s specific
requirements, from the voltage level to protection design, to
ensure that drives can work optimally in a variety of complex, harsh
working environments. At the same time, clients are looking for
products that are easy to operate and maintain,” said McCree.
ABB recently relaunched its ACS580MV drive in the local
market, offering higher efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ease
of implementation to the industrial sector, with applications
specifically for pumps and fans. Built-in energy calculators,
including used and saved kWh, CO 2 reduction and money saved,
help users monitor and fine-tune their processes to ensure optimal
energy use.
The ACS580MV is also fully compatible with the company’s
Bosch Rexroth SA appoints new CEO
he Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group of Companies has appointed Chris Riley, current
General Manager of Tectra Automation, as the new Group CEO, effective 1 January
T2022. In addition to this role, Riley has been appointed as the Bosch Rexroth Group
Leader of Sales Unit for Africa. He succeeds Tillmann Olsen, who has been at the helm of the
Group since January 2018.
Riley holds a BSc degree in mechanical engineering and a Master of Business degree. He
brings a wealth of experience to the Group with 25 years across Africa, the Middle East, Asia,
Europe, UK and USA.
Riley knows the positive impact of industrialisation in Africa and understands the role the
technologies and expertise within the Bosch Rexroth SA Group have to play in driving Africa
forward and looks forward to being part of this process.
Contact Gillian Allin, Bosch Rexroth South Africa, Phone 011 979-4630,, Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group of Companies
energize | January 2022 | 7