Page 35 - Energize October 2022
P. 35


        take time to go through the innovation   WILEC rises above the tides
        adaption curve, just like any great
        innovation,” acknowledges Zhao.
           “There are likely to be some
        applications and use cases generating a        ILEC, Africa’s largest supplier of input materials and provider of cutting-edge
        great deal of enthusiasm now that will         technical solutions, has played a strategic role in supporting the electrical
        not pass the harsh reality of economic  Windustry with its wide range of products, including products servicing the
        viability, but some will return as thriving   rotating machines and transformers industry. As a prime business that has successfully
        applications when the ecosystem is ready   operated for over 70 years, WILEC has future-proofed itself and remained resilient in
        for it,” he points out.               adapting to the modern world it operates in.
           Zhao concludes: “Successful energy    A recent display of this came at a time which posed a challenge for many businesses
        transition requires massive innovation and   and individuals alike. The state of disaster following heavy rainfall and flooding
        collaboration from the entire ecosystem   that occurred in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal in April 2022, caused
        of willing partners. Friendly competition   significant damage to the area’s infrastructure and businesses, resulting in severe
        is a key ingredient to drive critical and   economic losses.
        continuous improvement towards           Among the many businesses which were impacted was WILEC’s Durban branch.
        sustained impact. So, while competing to   Following a significant refurbishment lasting several months, WILEC is proud of its
        offer the best we can at any given stage of   team’s efforts in ensuring that the branch is once more in full operation. A complete
        this long transition, together we can make   restocking has also been undertaken to keep to our brand promise of being a solutions-
        it happen.”                           driven partner to our industry and to minimize waiting times for our customers. A
           Zhao was a recent speaker at       recent open day provided an ideal opportunity for WILEC to welcome both new and
        the Hydrogen Economy Discussion       existing customers from across KwaZulu-Natal and to introduce (or reintroduce) them
        event on Tuesday 6 September at the   to the company’s wide range of products.
        Johannesburg Country Club. Focusing on   “On behalf of the entire WILEC family, I’d like to congratulate our team on the
        global developments, implications and   successful refurbishment of our Durban branch. The reopening of this branch has not
        opportunities, the event looked at hydrogen   only been an indication of our strength as a business, but also allows us to continue
        as a powerful enabler for the global energy   providing exceptional services and solutions to regional customers,” said Ronel van
        transition as we seek to diversify energy   Straaten, the company’s national sales executive. “We are committed to maintaining a
        sources and fast-track the route to net zero.  nationwide footprint, and this branch is a key part of keeping that promise,” she added.
           In South Africa, the discussion centres   WILEC will continue to deliver solutions under all three of the company’s product
        around opportunities to become a leading   categories namely electrical, tapes and mechanical, and drive the sustainability,
        player in the global hydrogen economy,   innovation and quality of service agendas for the industries they service.
        given its unique position as the world’s   Existing and new clients are welcome to visit WILEC’s Durban branch situated at 13A
        largest producer of PGMs and its huge   The Avenue East, Prospecton, Durban. The branch’s phone number is 031 569-4883.
        potential for renewable energy production.  The company is pleased to be able, once again, to offer local access to ongoing
           In addition, Zhao is a speaker at the   technical support that WILEC is known for.
        Hydrogen-Africa Summit 2022 from 28
        to 29 September at the Hilton Sandton   Contact WILEC, Phone 011 629-9300,,
        in Johannesburg. The summit places the
        spotlight on green hydrogen’s potential
        to alter several value chains in the energy
        business, as well as in the mobility and
        industrial sectors, due to global climate
        change initiatives.

        Contact Sbu Gule, Cummins Africa
        Middle East, Phone 011 451-3400,

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