Page 34 - Energize October 2022
P. 34
Innovation in hydrogen production and
energy storage
oasting some of the world’s best renewable resources, the Africa Middle East
(AME) region is well positioned to host gigawatt-size hydrogen production sites.
B“It is anticipated that the region will drive product platform and foundational core
technology innovation in the hydrogen production and energy storage area,” predicts
Alan Zhao, who heads up the New Power business for global power technology leader
Cummins in the AME region.
For the new power technologies requiring largescale infrastructure buildout, Zhao
expects these to follow a similar path as the traditional internal combustion engine. In
terms of traditional products, however, there is limited innovation in the AME region at
the product platform level. “The region has been playing a late-adopter role for Cummins’
engine-based products,” notes Zhao.
“At Cummins, innovation at the global product platform and fundamental component
level impacts both developed and developing economies. Beyond this, we have
innovation that impacts regional and market segment level in any stage of an economy,
which we refer to as fit-for-market innovation,” explains Zhao.
The full ecosystem of zero emission technology includes upstream, midstream and Alan Zhao
downstream. Cummins continues to invest in other advanced technology to minimise
emissions, including fuel-agnostic engines such as hydrogen and natural gas engines. in a decarbonised manner to eliminate
On the upstream side, Cummins has world-best electrolyser hydrogen generation carbon emissions.
products. It deployed the world’s largest 20 MW proton exchange membrane (PEM) Hydrogen is also differentiated on the
electrolyser three years ago while most of the players in this sector were still at the basis of the quantity of carbon emissions
concept stage. On the midstream side, Cummins has extensive energy and hydrogen and/or power sources producing it. For
storage solutions, while downstream it has fuel cells for stationary power and mobility example, ‘green’ hydrogen means it is
applications. produced through water electrolysis
For example, Cummins’ fuel cell technology is behind Alstom’s hydrogen-powered powered by purely renewable sources
zero emission train in Germany. Major customers such as Werner Enterprise have such as solar, wind and hydropower.
specified hydrogen combustion engines for its delivery trucks. “As you can see, we are ‘Blue’ hydrogen means it is produced
innovating and deploying our Destination Zero technologies into economical critical from hydrocarbon-based sources such as
applications,” highlights Zhao. natural gas, but with no carbon emissions
Cummins added the new power business unit as part of its PLANET 2050 due to carbon capture technology. ‘Grey’,
environmental sustainability strategy, which sets eight quantifiable goals for 2030, along on the other hand, is produced by steam
with three visionary longer-term aspirations timed to 2050. The strategy was adopted in reforming of fossil fuels, which produces
2019 during Cummins’ centenary year. carbon emissions.
The three focus areas for the strategy are to reduce greenhouse gas and air emissions Lastly, but by no means least,
in line with expert recommendations, use natural resources in the most sustainable way the hydrogen economy means viable
possible and assist communities to address their major environmental challenges. and thriving economies based on the
Two of the eight 2030 goals pledge a 25% reduction in emissions from newly sold hydrogen ecosystem. “This is a critical
products and partnering with customers to reduce emissions from products in the field component to deliver sustainable impact.
by 55 million tonnes. “Our new power products fit directly into these goals and pivoting If it is not viable and thriving, it will
resources to deliver on them. We work with our customers to actively deliver global not last, and therefore not deliver the
energy transition projects today,” stresses Zhao. desired lasting impact,” stresses Zhao.
New Power complements the existing four business units of Engines, Power Systems, “I believe strongly in a thriving
Components and Distribution. It develops technologies and products not based on engine hydrogen economy, based on some
technology, to help Cummins’ customers transition to future zero emission technologies. successful use cases and strong
Looking more broadly at the hydrogen economy, Zhao defines this as an ecosystem fundamental business cases for certain
of products and solutions that commences with hydrogen generation, to hydrogen and business segments. Those successes
energy storage, then to applications and business segments powered or enabled by provide positive reinforcements to the
hydrogen. In addition, the hydrogen economy also means powering economic activities hydrogen ecosystem. However, it will
energize | October 2022 | 34