Page 29 - Energize October 2022
P. 29
Joining forces to manage Germany’s
fifth FSRU
ree Energy Solutions (TES),
E.ON and ENGIE are delighted
Tto announce that they have
been selected by the German Federal
Ministry of Economics and Climate
Protection (BMWK) to jointly develop
and implement the fifth floating storage
regasification unit (FSRU) in Germany.
The fifth FSRU in Germany, which is
planning to start in the beginning of the
heating period 2023, will have an annual
importing capacity of about 5 bcm
(which covers about 5% of Germany’s
annual consumption) and will contribute
to enhancing Europe’s and Germany’s
energy security, accelerating its energy
independence, and achieving full net- terminal, the development of which will be accelerated by the FSRU project, is flexible,
zero by mid of the century. modular and future-proof. TES aims to seamlessly integrate the import of green
Together, TES, a green hydrogen molecules within the first 12 months that the FSRU is in operation in order to allow a fast
company building next-generation and efficient green transition.
infrastructure to produce and import ENGIE is responsible for chartering of the FSRU on behalf of the BMWK for part of its
affordable green energy, E.ON, one of LNG supply, and with TES for the development and the operation of the FSRU.
Europe’s largest operators of energy The five-year-chartered FSRU will be provided by Excelerate Energy, following
networks and provider of innovative negotiations led by Engie, and will be stationed in Wilhelmshaven, where TES already
customer solutions for more than 51 owns 145 ha of land and has been developing the hydrogen terminal since 2019 to start
million customers, and Engie, a global large-scale imports by 2025. Excelerate Energy is a US-based LNG company and offers
leader in low-carbon energy, natural gas a full range of flexible regasification services from FSRU to infrastructure development
and LNG services with a strong footprint to LNG supply. The FSRU will allow a seamless transition to green imports over the first
in Germany, have formed a partnership period as the green terminal starts operation.
that will run the project showcasing The TES terminal’s structure will ultimately include six ship berths, 2-million m of
strong European cooperation. onshore storage using ten on-site tanks, and direct access to the natural gas, hydrogen
In Wilhelmshaven, TES is building and CO 2 pipeline networks required for decarbonisation and true net zero energy supply.
the largest green energy hub in Europe, TES is developing a diversified upstream green energy portfolio and accessing the
offering a unique model to convert large best renewable locations to produce green hydrogen for imports beginning in 2025, for
amounts of renewable electrons from example, USA, Canada, South America, North and Southwest Africa, North Sea Region,
sunny and windy locations into green Middle East and Australia. This will ensure an early and quick-ramping green molecules
hydrogen and affordable, renewable gas. supply on a large scale.
For this aim, TES and E.ON already signed
an MoU on a strategic partnership end of About TES
March. The green hydrogen terminal in Tree Energy Solutions (TES) is a global green hydrogen company supplying long term
Wilhelmshaven will serve as the primary non-intermittent carbon-neutral energy on-demand at industrial scale. TES aims to
entry point for clean, safe, affordable and accelerate the energy transition by leveraging existing global energy infrastructure to
abundant sustainable energy in Europe, reach customers with green hydrogen, green gas and green power while accelerating
as well as a catalyst for a circular carbon the phaseout of fossil fuels from the energy system worldwide and adopting a circular
economy. TES will import green hydrogen carbon economy. TES is currently developing energy supply and import terminal locations
from its upstream projects in the form in Germany, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, and the United States to provide an
of renewable LNG using green hydrogen integrated network of a significant global scale.
and circular CO 2.
TES’s Wilhelmshaven hydrogen Contact Kristiana Gjinaj, TES,,
energize | October 2022 | 29