Page 30 - Energize November 2022
P. 30
Power developments in Africa
Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media
Off-gid solar market shows strong growth Green power for rural health
A new report, Off-Grid Solar Market Trends 2022: State of the Sector, shows that the number
of people accessing solar energy kits has grown from 420 million people in 2019 to over 490 Electricity provider Equatorial Power is
million people by the end of 2021. Also, 3,8 million customers gained access to solar TVs in 2020 teaming up with the German International
and 2021 for accessing news, health information and educational programs during Covid-19 Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ) to
lockdowns. The off-grid solar sector has bounced back, posting a 10% increase in sales in 2021, provide solar energy to at least 27 health
after a 22% decline in solar energy kit sales in 2020. centers in rural areas. Small stand-alone solar
power plants with a combined capacity of
To integrate renewable energy Ugandan energy company 150 kW will be connected to battery storage
systems with a total capacity of 1,2 MWh.
into the grid powers up East Africa
The project is expected to have an impact
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has Equatorial Power based in Kampala, on the health of 250 people in the West Nile
announced a $2,5 million finance deal for Uganda, is involved in the electrification region. With this project Equatorial Power is
the the integration of renewable energy of island villages in Lake Victoria, such strengthening its foothold in East Africa.
into Mozambique’s electricity mix, including as the 68 000 km2 island of Lolwe. The
technical, economic, environmental and social company has been operating a minigrid Focusing on energy efficient
feasibility studies for the development of a there, powered by a 600 kW solar PV buildings in Africa
floating solar power plant in the Chicamba plant. The company has also installed The Green Climate Fund (GCF) will provide
dam reservoir, part of the existing Chicamba minigrids in the Democratic Republic €220 million for the implementation of
hydroelectric plant. The electricity produced of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Tanzania. the Programme for Energy Efficiency
by the floating solar power plant will be Recently, the company signed a deal with in Buildings. Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria
evacuated via the existing 66 kV Chicamba the investment company InfraCo Africa to and Djibouti will benefit directly. The
substation and the 220 kV central transmission deploy and operate solar minigrids in the programme supports local initiatives
network and dedicated to the 2075 MW DRC and Rwanda at an overall cost of and project feasibility studies; direct
Cahora Bassa hydroelectric scheme. $1,7 million.
support for energy efficiency projects in
construction and renovation of buildings;
Second phase of public lighting project and new financing resources at the national
level for energy efficiency. It also supports
The Saudi Fund for Development (SDF) is providing a $5 million loan to the Central African
Republic (CAR) for the implementation of the second phase of a public lighting project which the planning of new buildings, and offers
should cover a corridor of at least 70 km in Bangui, CAR’s capital. State-of-the-art lighting poles expertise on sustainable building materials,
and solar panels will be installed to provide clean, sustainable energy to ensure high levels of digital tools, appliances, and the adoption
lighting efficiency The improvement of public lighting in Bangui follows the reinforcement of of renewable energy in buildings.
other public lighting and the electrification of households in the city.
Clean, green power for African
telecom companies
Solar plant for COP27 host Investing in renewable energy
city providers in Africa The Energy Inclusion Facility (EIF) is
underwriting a bond issue by AktivCo, an
The 20 MW solar power plant started The US Corporation for International energy services company which provides
operating in Sharm El-Sheikh recently. It Development Finance (DFC) will support the clean energy to power telecom towers. This
will yield about 42 GWh annually. Covering growth of renewable energy entrepreneurs financing facility launched by the African
an area of 250 000 m2, it is the largest in Africa by investing $40 million in the Development Bank (AfDB) underwrites a
solar power plant commissioned to supply Energy Entrepreneur Growth Fund (EEGF). €7 million bond issued by AktivCo Holding to
the tourist city of Sharm El-Sheikh. The The Fund will invest in ten companies in sub- support its growth in Chad, Niger,
project cost a little over $12,7 million. It is Saharan Africa by the end of 2022. The Fund Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso.
estimated that the plant will offset supports companies which provide energy Telecom companies demand green and
500 000 tons of CO 2. The plant is expected access for communities in the region to spur efficient energy to secure their networks.
to provide clean energy to 6000 hotel economic growth and development. EEGF AktivCo already claims a portfolio of 3000
rooms which will host delegations from is co-managed by the Dutch company Triple sites and wants to deploy renewable energy
around the world during the 27th United Jump and Persistent, a venture capital firm at an additional 7000 sites over the next
Nations Climate Conference (COP27). based in Nairobi, Kenya. three years.
energize | November 2022 | 30