Page 14 - Energize March 2022
P. 14
More power, range, for electric motorcycles
riumph Motorcycles has revealed The WAE battery pack incorporates dedicated cell packaging for optimum centre of
its TE-1 prototype: an electrically gravity, vehicle control unit, DC-DC converter, integrated cooling, charge port and styled
Tpowered bike featuring a carbon covers. This all-new WAE-developed powertrain will set new standards for electric
sophisticated battery system for longer bike performance, with class-leading power, efficiency, charging time and range.
range and better performance. Wholly responsible for TE-1’s lightweight, ground-breaking battery system, WAE has
Project Triumph TE-1 has been employed a holistic approach to development which will allow riders to use more electric
revealed in completed prototype form. power for longer, providing access to outstanding performance regardless of battery charge,
The unique collaboration between alongside rapid charging times.
Triumph Motorcycles, Williams Advanced The all-new battery has peak power of 170 kW and continuous power of 90 kW, with a
Engineering (WAE), Integral Powertrain capacity of 15 kWh. This enables the motorbike to deliver 130 kW of peak power and 80 kW
Ltd, and WMG at the University of of continuous power. Class-leading system cooling combined with the optimum balance of
Warwick, funded by the Office for Zero power and energy means TE-1 can give the rider more electric power for longer and deliver
Emission Vehicles through Innovate UK, outstanding performance regardless of battery charge. The 360-volt system also enables a
was set up to create ground-breaking fast-charging time of under 20 mins (0 to 80%), which is combined with a market leading
developments in specialist electric target range.
motorcycle engineering and innovative WAE has optimised the battery module layout to balance mass and positioning within
integrated technology design. the prototype chassis, taking into consideration centre of gravity, space and relationship
Marking the official end of the with the powertrain and charging approach. A new, bespoke vehicle control unit has been
collaboration stage of the TE-1 project, integrated into the battery pack to minimise weight and packaging.
the completed demonstrator is now fully Key project achievements during this phase include test results that exceed current
ready for the next Triumph-led stage of benchmarks and targets set by the UK Automotive Council for 2025, providing a platform
the project to begin – the live testing with great potential for future development in electric motorcycle performance.
programme – integrating for the first time The overall objective of the TE-1 project has been focused on developing electric motorcycle
all of the latest and final innovations from capability, in order to provide an input into Triumph’s future electric motorcycle offering, driving
the project partner work-streams. innovation, capability and new intellectual property, and enhancing the credibility and profile of
energize | March 2022 | 12