Page 17 - Energize March 2022
P. 17
Board appointment to support the drive
for sustainable energy transition
TE Renewables has announced the appointment of Rosalind Kainyah, MBE, to its
executive board. With 30 years of international, senior management, executive and
Bboard level exposure, Kainyah’s extensive experience in sustainability, corporate and
environmental law, government relations and political risk management, add gravitas to this
“Kainyah offers unique and strategic insights, which we will draw on to assist our
business as we expand our portfolio of renewable energy power producing projects both
within South Africa and the broader African continent, and thereby help transition towards a
sustainable future,” commented Robert Skjodt, CEO of BTE Renewables.
In sharing her views on the role of renewable energy in relation to development and her
experience in this sector, Kainyah, elucidates the multitude of environmental, economic and
social benefits for the hundreds of people on the African continent who aren’t yet able to
access reliable energy.
“At the macro scale, global demand for energy continues to rise and millions of
people lack access to modern energy services. Sub-Saharan Africa remains largely without
dependable access to power, and considering the rapid population growth on the continent,
this means that the current estimates of 600 million is likely to increase, without immediate Rosalind Kainyah
action,” said Kainyah .
At the same time, climate change means that new ways to meet the energy shortage holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the
should be addressed by renewable energy, as the best option of a sustainable future, to limit University of Ghana; a Bachelor of Laws
global warming. degree from the University of London; a
“By providing millions of people with clean electrical power, we can tackle several global Master of Laws degree from University
and national development challenges, contributing not only to Sustainable Development College, University of London; is a member
Goal (SDG) 7 – ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for of the Bar of England and Wales (Gray’s
all – but also a host of other SDGs such as improved education quality, poverty alleviation, Inn); and a member of the Chartered
better health, more sustainable cities and communities, and the creation of decent jobs,” Institute of Arbitrators in the UK.
added Kainyah. Over the span of her career, she has
She sees the benefit of developing host communities, as renewable energy projects worked with companies and organisations on
increasingly become a part of local landscapes, encouraging deliberate business strategies projects across Africa and in the UK, Western
that support the development of communities. and Eastern Europe, North & South America,
“By aligning business objectives with the needs and aspirations of local communities, Asia, and the South Pacific. As a result, she
renewable energy projects can create shared value for the business, for host communities has a wide network and is respected across a
and for society at large. Therefore, renewable energy provides developmental benefits that range of stakeholders from governments and
span across global, national and local scales,” concluded Kainyah. corporates through civil society organisations
and media, for her professional expertise,
About Ms. Rosalind Kainyah MBE: integrity and credibility.
In both her Board and advisory roles, she strategically supports company executives BTE Renewables (formerly BioTherm
and management teams in advancing the interests of their businesses, by harnessing Energy) has been operating in Africa since
environmental social and socio-economic opportunities; managing political, governance, 2003 and is positioned as a leading Pan-
environmental and social risks; and shaping and delivering smarter approaches to building African renewable power developer with
productive relationships with key stakeholders. As a result of her legal expertise, she is also nearly 400 MW of wind and solar projects
well-versed in negotiating agreements involving and representing multiple interests with in operation in South Africa and Kenya.
diverse and complex issues and in developing innovative solutions for disputes and to advance The company is 100% owned by Actis, the
business opportunities. world’s leading emerging markets investor.
She was called to the bar in 1988 and has had an extensive career as a lawyer, was
recognized as one of Britain’s most influential people of African and African Caribbean Contact BTE Renewables,
heritage by ‘The Power List’ in 2008, was awarded an MBE for services to corporate social Phone 011 367-4600,
responsibility for the benefit of youth in Africa in 2014 and a nomination for Women to,
Watch by Cranfield School of Management (The Female FTSE Board Report) in 2019. She
energize | March 2022 | 15