Page 23 - Energize March 2022
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Unique partnership transforms
communities in alignment with
climate goals
MPOWER, a specialist engineering, procurement and project remaining a major challenge. In view of this, and in a bid to
management contractor (EPCM) within the solar and energy reduce their carbon footprint, these stores are committed
Istorage industry, and Econo Foods, have been in a strategic to instating sustainable methodologies across their business
partnership since 2019. operations, with one way being via improving their energy
IMPOWER serves the commercial and industrial property efficiency practices.
sector by providing tailored solar and storage energy solutions To this end, the company commissioned IMPOWER to enable
ranging between 100 kW and 1 MW in size. it to achieve its sustainability objectives. By implementing
The collaboration was founded on a mutual vision to rooftop solar technologies, the power supplier has allowed
not only embrace sustainability to positively impact the Econo Foods to significantly reduce their energy bills, thereby
environment, but to add value to surrounding businesses enabling the company to provide fresh food at a lower cost to
and communities alike by empathising with their needs and clients with less impact on the environment.
tailoring solutions that are commercially, environmentally While the partnership aims to positively impact surrounding
and socially sustainable. Further, the duo has proactively communities and the environment within which they operate,
incorporated the communities wherein they jointly operate to collaborative action from both entities also proactively instils
enable long-term sustainable value transfer. green energy solutions that ultimately contribute to the
Econo Foods is a privately-owned leading food service economic growth of the African people at large.
provider which specialises in frozen and chilled products
across Southern Africa. Many Econo Food stores are sited in Contact Yolande Young, IMPOWER,
remote, outlying areas, with energy access to such rural regions Phone 021 300-0470,
energize | March 2022 | 21