Page 25 - Energize March 2022
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Tackling rising utility costs software yields a handsome return.”
Developed in-house, eSUMS is based
and climate change on years of experience working with
sustainability engineers combined with
specialists in artificial intelligence and
machine learning, he explains.
ocal energy services company LTM Real-time monitoring is coupled with
Energy recently introduced version control functionality, while LTM Energy
Lfive of its Enhanced Smart Utility engineers perform value engineering
Management System (eSUMS), helping services on data obtained from the
companies not only reduce their utility system’s user-friendly dashboards.
costs but also boost their climate Additionally, algorithms used in the
change mitigation contribution. various modules, such as the carbon
“In the wake of the United Nations module, allow for automated processing
Sustainable Development Goals and without any human interface, which
the undeniable risks posed by climate can limit errors and improve reporting
change, organisations need to measure accuracy.
impacts and disclose their total carbon Following installation, LTM Energy’s
footprint. It is wisest to consolidate open protocol software can be used
their efforts using one system that is immediately for diagnostics if no
already measuring utility data,” says additional IoT devices and meters are
LTM Energy CEO Dhevan Pillay. needed. However, training on LTM
While eSUMS can convert all utility Dhevan Pillay Energy’s eSUMS software is a key
metrics into carbon emissions, it also ingredient to the company’s offering,
has the flexibility to capture metrics sustainability by reducing operational notes Pillay.
such as occupancy, square area, waste costs and adding to the bottom line. Online and physical training
and even business travel – which can be LTM Energy is so confident that customised for various user levels,
beneficial to benchmark performance companies will realise savings after such as operational staff, engineer and
with the South African National installing eSUMS, that it even offers its executive level, are available to ensure
Standards and the Green Building clients a performance guarantee. that each user obtains the maximum
Council. “Only when the savings have hit their benefit from the system.
Used by LTM Energy clients locally bank account through various energy and Customers can opt to white-label
and internationally for greenhouse-gas cost-saving measures, do our clients pay license the software or pay a monthly
reporting, carbon tax compliance and us a portion of their savings, enjoying fee, which includes support from LTM
science-based target setting, eSUMS zero-capital operational expense outlay Energy’s call centre, chatbot and online
has also saved companies millions. and risk,” emphasises Pillay. interfaces.
“eSUMS was used to resolve a He first recognised the need for LTM Energy is readying for the roll-
dispute that saved one of South Africa’s intelligent data gathering to ensure the out of eSUMS in 13 African countries,
largest retailers more than R15-million,” more efficient management of utility with many of its clients responding to
highlights Pillay. systems at the start of South Africa’s climate change calls to limit temperature
Initially launched about five load-shedding woes in 2008, when he increases to 1.5 °C as per the Paris
years ago, the business intelligence was a senior manager at State-owned Agreement.
tool provides a platform for demand power utility Eskom. “eSUMS can help them map out
management and an end-to-end At the time, existing metering this journey and measure performance
revenue management solution for companies were using hardware and against climate change targets, as well as
electricity, water, diesel, solar, gas software to measure and monitor make sustainability compliance measures
smart metering systems or Internet of electricity consumption to generate a breeze” concludes Pillay.
Things (IoT) devices. Inefficiencies are numerous reports that seemingly yielded
addressed by the software throughout no return on investment, Pillay adds. Contact LTM Energy,
the day to improve utility savings, “We took up the challenge over Phone 087 149-2691,
enabling long-term planning. This the past ten years to ensure that any,
ultimately contributes to long-term investment in our technology and
energize | March 2022 | 23