Page 35 - Energize March 2022
P. 35
REPORT BACK: CIGRE SA 10 annual conference
Transforming the power system for future generations
Energize Staffwriter
he CIGRE SA 10 annual conference was held as an on-line Session 2: Power system technical performance, Power system
virtual conference between 2 and 4 November 2021. operation & control, and Power system environmental performance
TIn addition to the usual technical papers and tutorials, • System adequacy metrics: Review of current international adequacy
the conference included the annual SA Study Committee metrics and assessment of whether current adequacy metrics applied
representatives’ feedback session from the 2021 Paris Session in South Africa, fully capture operational challenges and the expected
which had been held by the CIGRE Central Office in August 2021. changing future energy mix.
The theme of the conference was Transforming the power • Controllable thermal loads and ROC of frequency: Investigation of
system for future generations the coordination of large-scale deployment of controllable loads with
existing generator droop control.
Tutorials • Impact of extremely low system loading on system stability:
The following tutorials were presented: Investigation of the impact of the severe reduction in system loading
• Protection, Automation, and Control of the Evolving Grid, due to lockdown on power system frequency and small signal stability
presented by Dr A. Apostolov, USA and Dr N. Nair, New • Analysis of power system low frequency oscillations: The use of
Zealand eigenvalue analysis to investigate low frequency power system
• Transport networks for utilities, presented by G.P. Mbouyap, oscillations measured by PMUs in a power system.
Canada • Amelioration methods to increase power transfer on sub-transmission
• Rural electrification, presented by Kurt Dedekind, South Africa lines: Examination of options to upgrade or strengthen overhead
lines where supply reliability was compromised, or insufficient power
Technical papers transfer capacity was available.
Twenty-nine technical papers of high standard were delivered • Power generation fleets’ vulnerability to adverse environmental
over two days in five different sessions as follows: conditions: Obtaining information on reliable fleet susceptibility to
adverse environmental conditions through the use of an operational
Session 1: Overhead Lines, Substations & Electrical Installations, research methodology.
and DC systems & Power Electronics
• Temporary ground anchors: Investigation and determination Session 3: Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources
of a realistic friction coefficient when using steel frames and • Understanding future customer needs: Understanding customer
concrete blocks as a temporary anchoring system. behaviour and the future energy landscape, to improve decision-
• Substation earthing rods: Investigation into the suitability of making on investments and the transition towards smart grids and
a proposed 8,5 mm diameter 40% solid copper-clad steel rod distribution system operators.
as replacement for the 10 mm solid copper rod for substation • Mitigation methods for increasing impacts of increasing solar PV:
earth grid and earth tail application Significant impacts resulting from increasing penetration of solar PV
• Autonomous methods of erecting line towers: Investigation of on distribution grids, mitigation measures for these impacts as well as
alternative methods to erect guyed V-towers, utilising winches possible cost implications for the utility/NSP.
and a gin pole instead of mobile cranes. • The role of distributors in managing DERs: Definition of the amount
• Methods for identifying areas of land instability: Investigation to which the DSO will monitor and regulate flexible resources, and
into the levels of land surface vulnerability in South African how these guide the policy, regulatory, technological and commercial
associated with soil erosion and land degradation, to identify agreements needed.
transmission line towers at risk due to land instability. • SSEG impact assessment tool: Development of an Excel based grid
• Radiative cooling of overhead conductors via a spectrally impact and load flow assessment tool for municipalities with SSEGs.
selective coating (SSC): Field trial of SSC coated conductors in • Design and selection of solar PV system: Key variables to consider
comparison to control (uncoated) conductors with research on when selecting and sizing a solar photo-voltaic system by
stability under high electric fields, and to aeolian vibrations. systematically working through the key indicators and development
• Remotely piloted aircraft line inspection: Technical of a design flow chart to optimise a system.
specification of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPA), for • Applicability of SMRs in sub-Saharan Africa: Development of an
powerline inspection, testing of the devices at a HV laboratory understanding of costs to promote an investment in small modular
and Eskom’s proof of concept findings. reactors in Southern Africa.
• Reconfiguring a network after construction: Case study of a • Battery energy storage systems to support distribution system
switching incident on a 400 kV line that connects two power operation: Consideration of the industrial architectural implications
stations, designed for a SIL of 664 MW in order to transfer high of electricity storage, particularly structural, to ensure a reliable
and constant bulk power. distribution power system.
energize | March 2022 | 33