Page 38 - Energize March 2022
P. 38


       Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Pre-qualification process for thermodynamic solar power                   PV-powered water
        plants                                                                    desalination plant for
        Botswana is launching the pre-qualification process for the construction of two thermodynamic
        solar power plants. The project aims at an installed capacity of 200 MW. Interested independent   Tanzania is the recipient of a new PV-
        power producers have until 11 April 2022 to apply. The call is for pre-qualification for the   powered water desalination plant with a
        construction of two concentrating solar power plants in Maun and Letlhakane in the Central   capacity of 100 m3 per day. This project
        District. This public-private partnership should also involve the state-owned Botswana Power   is the result of a partnership between
        Corporation which will purchase the electricity produced by the future plants. Six new solar   Boreal Light, of Germany, and WaterKiosk
        photovoltaic plants are also planned across the country.                  Africa, a company based in Nairobi, Kenya.
                                                                                  The recently commissioned plant is also
        Call for tender: floating            Ethiopia’s hydroelectric             equipped with a wastewater treatment
        solar power plant                    power project goes ahead             system to ensure that no contaminants are
                                                                                  discharged. This project, by the Berlin-based
        The state-owned company Côte d’Ivoire   Ethiopia will generate electricity from its   start-up, seeks to provide the Zanzibar
        Energies (CI-Energies) is launching a call for   hydroelectric scheme on the Blue Nile. The   archipelago with drinking water production
        tenders (open until 29 March 2022) for the   Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is to   facilities which are entirely powered by
        engineering, procurement, construction and   supply Ethiopia with 5000 MW, more than   renewable energy.
        maintenance of the 20 MWp Kossou floating   doubling the country’s electricity output.
        solar power plant. The project is to be built   The project, which cost about US$4,2-  Energy transition,
        on the reservoir of the Kossou dam on the   billion, has been criticised by Egypt and   efficiency and green
        Bandama River. The dam has an existing   Sudan who see the dam as a threat to their   hydrogen
        hydroelectric power plant with a capacity   water supply. Ethiopia says the project will
        of 105 MW. This project, financed through   provide much-needed additional electricity   The Kingdom of Morocco and Finland are
        a loan pledged by the French Development   to power essential economic development.   to work together on projects for energy
        Agency (AFD), will join two other facilities   The country’s economy has suffered from   transition, energy efficiency and green
        under construction, with a combined   a regional war, rising fuel prices and the   hydrogen. Agreements are being struck
        capacity of 60 MWp.                  Covid-19 pandemic.                   for investments by Finnish companies in
                                                                                  the African nation which is being courted
        Pushing for new oil and gas exploration                                   by many European countries, notably
                                                                                  France, Portugal and Germany, to produce
        Angola continues its aggressive push for new exploration as well as expansion in refining   green hydrogen locally and export it to the
        capacity. Angola is sub-Saharan Africa´s second-largest oil and gas producer with a current   international market. For its part, Finland,
        production capacity of about 1,1 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) and 17 904,5 million cubic   which has skills in hydrogen development,
        feet of natural gas. The country’s oil and gas sector accounts for about one-third of its GDP and   is keen to include hydrogen in its energy
        more than 90% of total exports. The country will engage in direct negotiations with interested   mix, and will work to prepare the ground
        explorers to reduce red tape and promote seismic acquisition and exploration.  for investments by its companies.

        Green hydrogen                       Clean power for the G5               Promoting decentralised
        development in Niger                 Sahel countries                      renewable energy in Africa

        The Republic of Niger has signed an   The African Development Bank Group has   The African Development Bank has agreed
        agreement with Emerging Energy       approved the Desert to Power G5 Sahel   to commit up to US$164-million to promote
        Corporation (EEC), a leading German   Financing Facility, covering Burkina Faso,   decentralised renewable energy in six African
        energy solution provider, to work together   Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. The   countries. The Bank’s LEAF (Leveraging
        to explore and develop commercial green   facility is expected to result in 500 MW of   Energy Access Finance Framework)
        hydrogen projects in Niger. Both parties say   additional solar generation capacity and   programme will help to spur commercial and
        they believe that hydrogen is crucial in our   facilitate electricity access to some 695   local currency investments to scale up the
        march toward a net-zero emission future.   000 households. The Bank is offering up to   activities of decentralised renewable energy
        EEC says it will invest in various project   US$379,6-million in financing and technical   companies in Ghana, Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya,
        to decarbonise oil field operations and   assistance for the facility over the next seven   Nigeria and Tunisia. Through LEAF, at least
        refineries in Niger using carbon capture   years. The facility will focus on utility-scale   18 decentralised renewable energy projects
        technologies. Green hydrogen will be   solar generation through independent power   will be financed. These projects will benefit
        produced in Niger by electrolysis, using   producers and energy storage solutions to   millions of people and businesses and result
        renewable power.                     reduce more than 14,4 million t of CO 2eq.  in the reduction of 28,8-million t CO 2eq.

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