Page 41 - Energize March 2022
P. 41


           Renewables-dominated power system the most

                                    cost-competitive for SA

                                              BY KAREN POTGIETER, SOLARAFRICA

              s the world moves towards reducing global carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions to
              net-zero by 2050, recent research has revealed that a local power system that is
        Adominated by renewables – most notably solar – will be the most cost-competitive
        energy solution for South Africa.
           With a growing number of countries announcing pledges to achieve net-zero emissions
        over the coming decades and limit the increase in average global temperatures to 1,5°C, a
        recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for
        the Global Energy Sector, says this will hinge on an unprecedented clean technology push to
        2030 and beyond.
           Outlining a viable pathway to building a global energy sector with net-zero emissions by
        2050, the IEA states that the ‘immediate and massive’ deployment of all available clean and
        efficient energy technologies is the key to reducing emissions from electricity supply.
           The pathway calls for annual additions of solar photovoltaic (solar PV) installations to
        reach 630 GW by 2030 – the equivalent of installing the world’s currently largest solar park
        roughly every day.
           Should this rate of solar PV installation be achieved, almost 90% of electricity generation
        will come from renewable sources by 2030, with solar becoming the world’s single largest   Karen Potgieter
        source of total energy supply.
                                                                                  renewable energy capacity; at least 4 GW
        A R3-trillion price tag to net zero                                       of renewables will need to be installed
        While a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change   every year – roughly ten times the current
        (UNFCCC), and to the Paris Agreement, South Africa has yet to formally commit to the global   pace of new builds,” the report reads.
        net-zero target.                                                            The NBI has indicated that South
           However, it is expected to officially agree to the target when tabling its revised Nationally   Africa’s private sector would support
        Determined Contribution to the UNFCCC in November 2021.                   a level of ambition that would see the
           According to research by the National Business Initiative (NBI), transitioning South Africa’s   country committing to a range of CO 2
        power system to net zero would require the deployment of 150 GW of wind and solar capacity   emissions of between 350 and 370 Mt by
        by 2050 – almost four times the current total capacity of South Africa’s coal power plants.  2030.
           This would require an investment of some R3-trillion within the next 30 years, requiring
        significant expansion and upgrade to the transmission and distribution infrastructure, the   Funding the transition
        NBI outlines in its report Decarbonising South Africa’s Power System.     While a future national energy system
           Notwithstanding this rather jarring figure, experts have asserted that a local power   driven primarily by renewables may be
        system dominated by renewables will be the most cost-competitive energy solution for   South Africa’s most cost-competitive
        South Africa by 2050.                                                     energy solution, without careful planning
           South Africa’s complementary wind and solar resources are among the best renewable   and new investments, this transition may
        energy resources in the world, available on vast amounts of undeveloped land.  put employment and value chains at risk
           In addition, the transformation of South Africa’s power system from a primarily   in the short-term and exacerbate current
        coal-based energy system could result in net-positive job creation, should South Africa   socioeconomic challenges.
        successfully localise elements of the renewable energy value chain and effectively reskill the   South Africa is highly vulnerable to
        workforce, states the report.                                             the impacts of climate change and will
           “By leveraging its world-class renewable energy sources, South Africa can fully   need significant international support to
        decarbonise its power sector, while unlocking the opportunity to stimulate economic growth   transition its economy and to decarbonise,
        and job creation,” asserts the NBI.                                       the NBI asserts in its report.
           Despite South Africa’s abundant wind and solar energy resources, less than 6% of   Access to international green finance
        electricity is currently generated by renewables, with over 80% of local power generated by   is essential in funding this journey and
        coal-powered plants.                                                      ensuring the competitive cost of capital,
           “To reach net zero by 2050, South Africa would need to speed up the deployment of   with the IEA indicating that government

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