Page 45 - Energize March 2022
P. 45


           Like others sending volunteers and equipment to   provide sustainability benefits and avoid problems sometimes associated with
        Footprint, Schneider Electric and Microsoft hope to   diesel during disasters, such as delivery delays and supply shortages. Diesel also
        significantly increase Footprint’s fleet and its abilities.   faces some prohibitions to participating in grid markets because of its emissions
        When the organisation first responded to Hurricane   profile, so it wouldn’t be a good option for the beehive model that Footprint,
        Ida in Louisiana last autumn, the need for emergency   Microsoft and Schneider Electric are pursuing, Feasel says.
        power vastly outweighed the capabilities of its three   The partners are still working out the details, but as Feasel sees it, the
        mobile microgrids.                            beehive concept offers a significant opportunity to create a business model that
           Will Heegaard, Footprint’s operations director, put   makes more mobile microgrids available and ready to dispatch from “the hive”
        out a plea for help and more than 50 companies and   following grid-crippling hurricanes, snowstorms, heat waves and wildfires.
        organisations responded, building Footprint’s fleet to
        where it was able to create 20 “community resilience   What areas of the country might be most suited to the model?
        sites” — electrified havens at places like fire stations,   Feasel points out that extreme weather doesn’t necessarily conform to
        medical clinics and volunteer camps. Those who lived   expectations. Last winter’s deep freeze in Texas offers a good example.
        nearby could tap into the resilience sites for charging   “I think any responsible municipality could think about leveraging this kind of
        and services.                                 approach to provide better services to their community, especially the vulnerable
                                                      part of the community,” Feasel says. “If you look at where deaths occur after
        Decarbonising disaster response               power outages, it often is not the super high-income areas in town with backup
        Footprint’s larger mission is to “decarbonise disaster   generators. It’s people that don’t have those luxuries and have got to find other
        response”, i.e., replace commonly used diesel   ways to get by. We always think about that.”
        generators with renewable microgrids.
           Because its microgrids use solar and storage, they   This article was first published by Microgrid Knowledge

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