Page 49 - Energize March 2022
P. 49


        of doing things and new options available   Test results
        for testing and monitoring today which   Only the DRM test results flagged a deficiency in Phase B of the seventeen-position resistive-
        have not previously been available, says   type on-load tap changer (OLTC), which was not observed in static measurements. Looking
        Woodley.                             at the TTR measured values, it was observed that all phases and all taps had a measured
           Highlighting one good source of   ratio well within the generally agreed acceptance value of 0,5%. Advanced OLTC testing was
        guidance for asset leaders to look to, Wills   carried out. During the transition from one tap position to the next, the current dropped.
        identifies CIGRE’s technical brochure,   The DRM analysis identified an issue with one of the transition resistors of Phase B.
        Guide for Transformer Maintenance, which
        aims to help asset owners define and   Action taken
        apply best practice in areas such as testing   Based on the DRM analysis, the owner inspected the OLTC, finding a loose connector. The
        and component selection.             broken contact was welded back in place and the OLTC was reinstalled. A verification test
                                             was performed after repair. Subsequent testing on each transition for all three phases found
        What are the benefits of a more in-  that the issue had been rectified.
        depth transformer testing regime?
        A stringent testing regime makes the   Conclusions
        difference between planned maintenance   Routine electrical and dielectric testing on the transformer did not provide a clear indication
        and unplanned maintenance, Wills     of mechanical damage in the seventeen-position resistive-type OLTC. True DRM allows for
        summarises. With testing in place, it’s   the identification of faulty components affecting the resistive characteristic of the transition
        more likely operators will be able to   resistors in the OLTC. Megger suggests that a make-before-break test is included as part of
        sustain a reliable network at reduced cost.   the static winding resistance test. The normal WRM test did not indicate any problem, nor
        They can minimise the extent to which   did any of the other tests performed, except for the DRM test. DRM testing is useful for
        they have to resort to portable equipment   power transformer OLTC assessment.
        and reduce overall downtime. “If you have
        the knowledge to retire a transformer just   CASE STUDY 2: Reducing failure risk of HV instrument transformers in the transmission
        before it’s going to go wrong, that’s ideal. But   system.
        having to do so after it goes wrong creates
        panic, further maintenance and a potential   Background
        emergency situation,” Woodley concludes.   A utility’s SCADA system indicated a loss of voltage in one phase. Since 765 kV CVTs provide
                                             the voltage information to all control, metering and protection systems at the location in
        Case studies                         question, the CVT (CVT-1) corresponding to that specific phase was immediately suspected.
        The following international case studies
        demonstrate the operational and business   Summary
        benefits which can be generated through   Ten kV capacitance and power factor (PF) tests at line frequency confirmed insulation
        the introduction of new transformer   failure of C1 sections B2 and B3 of CVT-1. For further insights, 250 V narrowband dielectric
        testing regimes.                     frequency response (NB DFR) tests, comprised of PF measurements made between one and
                                             500 Hz, were performed on all four sections of CVT-1.
        CASE STUDY 1: Introducing dynamic      The customer reported this failure as an over-pressure event and replaced CVT-1 with
        resistance measurement – pinpointing   CVT-1R. CVT-1R was similarly tested. While replacing CVT-1, the testing specialist noticed
        concealed problems inside a resistive-  a stain on the surface of the adjacent phase CVT (CVT-2). CVT-2 was reporting an expected
        type OLTC before physical inspection.  voltage in SCADA but given the failure of CVT-1 and convenient access to the testing
                                             equipment, capacitance and PF tests and NB DFR tests were performed on CVT-2, which
        Summary                              revealed insulation failure. A teardown of CVT-2 confirmed significant damage to its C1 –
        The team at the Electric Power       B1 section. A puncture was found, oil was missing from its top portion, and its insulation
        Transmission Network in Karbala, Iraq,   integrity was compromised. CVT-2 was also replaced.
        performed routine electrical tests on a
        three-phase YNd1, 25 MVA, 132/11,5 kV   Takeaways
        transformer including winding resistance   A CVT in good condition should have a very low PF value (expressed in %) at 20°C – less than
        measurements (WRM), transformer turns   0,2% at 1Hz. Monthly visual inspections did not pick up the oil leak between C1 sections of
        ratio (TTR), short circuit impedance (SCI),   CVT-2. Testing averted failure. NB DFR testing was incorporated in the utility’s future routine
        excitation current, and line-frequency   CVT maintenance.
        power factor. The team also performed
        advanced tests such as magnetic balance,   This article was initially published as a Utility Week report in association with Megger in
        frequency response of stray losses   September 2021.
        (FRSL) and OLTC dynamic resistance
        measurement (DRM) tests.             Contact Marie-Claude Rasendra, Megger,,

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