Page 5 - Energize March 2022
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FROM THE EDITOR:                                                            Copyright
        The importance of decarbonising the energy sector                   1       Copyright of all material appearing in energize is
        FRONT COVER STORY                                                           vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In submitting
        MV gas insulated switchgear ideally suited to secondary distribution applications   4  any article for publication, the authors confirm
                                                                                    that they own the copyright to the said article,
        NEWS                                                                        which is ceded to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd for
        LED solar lighting solution for research farm                       6       publication. The editor reserves the right to edit
        Ultra-cool field metrology well delivers best-in-class stability    7       or shorten articles submitted for publication.
        Ghana branch country manager appointed                              7       Editing and/or shortening is done with due
        Former CEO to chair SA’s climate finance team                       8       dilligence, where necessary in conjuction with
        Hydropower company looking to deploy 10 GW of solar over next five years   8
        Offshore wind seen as perfect fit for green hydrogen                9       the author(s).
        Compact IR camera for glass manufacturing                          10          No part of this publication may be
        More power, range for electric motorcycles                         12       reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system,
        WearCheck Cape Town moves to Brackenfell                           13       or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
        More jobs and investment from wind tower manufacturers             14       except as described below, without the written
        Board appointment to support the drive for sustainable energy transition    15  permission of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying of
        Putting green on the African grid                                  16       articles is not permitted except for personal and
        World’s largest solar-charged battery storage system unveiled      17       internal use, to the extent permitted by South
        Electrified vegetation-maintenance in solar parks receives government funding   18  African law. Permission is not required to make
        Celebrating 40 years in the solar industry                         20       abstracts, on condition that a full reference to
        Unique partnership transforms communities in alignment with climate goals   21
        Energy Performance Certificates: It’s the law and the deadline is approaching fast   22  the source is shown. Requests for permission for
        Tackling rising utility costs and climate change                   23       other kinds of copying should be addressed to
        Drug labelling process optimised with modern inspection technology   24     EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Large BESS connected to the distribution grid                      25
        Drone eases boiler inspection at major power station               26       Disclaimer
        Dedicated solar training centre inaugurated                        28       Articles published in energize do not necessarily
        “Gold standard” of industrial temperature calibration              29       reflect the views of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or
        Locally manufactured clean energy solutions                        30       the editor. In addition, views expressed by the
        Measurement technology for sun-tracking systems                    31       editor do not necessarily reflect the views of
        Why use a battery rack?                                            32
        Silencer helps protect workers from gas process noise              32       EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other person or
                                                                                    organisation associated with energize.
        REPORT                                                                         It is a condition of publishing material in
        Report back: CIGRE SA 10  annual conference                        33       energize that EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall not
                                                                                    be liable for any consequential or other damages
        POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA                                       36       arising from the publication in good faith of any
                                                                                    article, advertisement, picture, comment, view
        VIEWS AND OPINION                                                           or opinion. This applies to publishing, failing to
        The benefits of domestic gas over imported LNG                     37       publish, late publishing or incorrectly publishing
        Renewables-dominated power system the most cost-competitive for SA   39
        Five tips on establishing a stronger engineering sector in South Africa   41  any article, advertisement, insert, picture,
        What can bees teach us about electric reliability?                 42       caption, etc.
                                                                                       It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
        TECHNICAL                                                                   human and technical errors can and do occur,
        Why it’s time to revisit transformer testing regimes               44       but that reasonable effort will be made to
        Agrivoltaics: A win–win system for agriculture                     48       minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
        Future-proofing energy storage                                     53       and correct such errors when they are brought to
        Flow batteries fill a gap in the electricity storage system market   58     the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Liquified air electricity storage                                  62

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