Page 8 - Energize March 2022
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LED solar lighting solution for research farm
anggewens Research Farm is option to suit all off-grid solar lighting requirements.
located between Malmesbury and The BEKA solar luminaire is available in a standard single streetlight or median version with
LMoorreesburg in the Swartland. the ZIYA luminaire, or a post top version with the ZELA luminaire. It provides a reliable lighting
Established in 1926, the farm’s purpose solution with a high Ingress Protection level that withstands high ambient temperatures and
is to provide infrastructure and staff vandalism. These luminaires are sustainable off-grid performers with a superior lumen/watt
to support researchers. Research ratio.
institutions currently involved in projects The photovoltaic energy conversion is optimised by efficient polycrystalline solar module
on the farm include the Western Cape technology to maximise solar energy. This in turn offers the best energy storage options and
Department of Agriculture, Stellenbosch autonomy available on the market with our range of battery options, namely lead, lithium and
University, ARC Small Grain Institute, the new SuperCapacitor. This SuperCapacitor removes depth of discharge (DOD) issues, and
Swartland Cereals Development Group offers extended life and discharge cycles.
and other private institutions. Controlling the whole system and using this solar energy by programming the maximum
BEKA solar units have been installed power point tracking (MPPT) charge controllers, it optimises the system and protects it from
along the road leading up the Langgewens any internal and external factors, like thermal environmental changes when charging the
Research Farm. Due to the high costs that batteries.
electrical reticulation would pose, it made These luminaires offer a renewable lighting solution to operate in any of our very
sense to go the solar lighting route. challenging African environmental conditions. BEKA Schréder locally develops and
The BEKA SOLAR was the LED solar manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, designed and suitable for local conditions.
lighting solution of choice. This solar
streetlight for outdoor residential and Contact Grant Kemp, BEKA Schréder, Phone 021 510-8900,
public applications offers a full customisable,
energize | March 2022 | 6