Page 40 - Energize April 2022
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together to form an integrated hydrogen extending through the industrial and
ecosystem. commercial corridor to Johannesburg and
The launch of the Hydrogen Valley leading finally to Durban. The hydrogen
Feasibility Study Report brings the valley will be used to establish, accelerate
hydrogen valley an important step closer and embed niche innovations through
to fruition as part of the implementation upscaling and replication.
of the National Hydrogen Society The feasibility study identifies nine
Roadmap, which has been approved by hydrogen-related projects across the
Cabinet, as well as phase 3 of the country’s mobility, industrial and construction
Economic Reconstruction and Recovery sectors that could be used as a
Plan to build a sustainable, resilient and springboard for the establishment of the
inclusive economy. hydrogen valley.
Other countries have successfully One of these projects will focus on
utilised hydrogen valleys to promote converting heavy-duty diesel-powered opportunities to act as a catalyst for South
emerging clean technologies and their trucks to fuel cell-powered trucks, which Africa’s economic growth and recovery as
commercial viability, in supporting the will support increased consumption well as the country’s ability to transition
reduction of emissions. In South Africa, it of hydrogen in the transport sector. to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and
also has the potential to drive job creation, The projects will also facilitate the inclusive future.
unlock growth, revitalise the industrial commercialisation of publicly funded
sector and position South Africa to be an intellectual property, while contributing Jonathan Debasc is the managing director
exporter of cost-effective green hydrogen to the beneficiation of PGMs in targeted of thermal, hydrogen, desalination and
to the world. geographic areas. battery storage for Africa at ENGIE
South Africa’s proposed hydrogen There is good reason that green
valley will start near Mokopane in hydrogen is increasingly regarded as the Send your comments to
Limpopo, where PGMs are mined, fuel of the future: it brings a wealth of
energize | April 2022 | 38