Page 20 - Energize May 2022
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        Vertical inspection solution for tank

        farm maintenance

                 hen a large petrochemical   many related health and safety issues.   “While our Elios SkyEye drones
                 tank farm depot in Germiston   The system provides fully automated   are ideal for complex spaces, precision
       Wwas investigating alternative        inspections of even the hardest-to-reach   repeatability can be limited. This is where
        maintenance methods that are cost-   vertical asset.                      the Zenith system comes into its own,
        effective as well as quick and flexible, it   “We became aware of a case study   as it can save set parameters in order to
        turned to leading rope access specialist   from the US where this system had been   be able to repeat certain manoeuvres
        Skyriders Access Specialists Pty Ltd. The   used successfully on a petrochem tank   and take numerous identical pictures for
        two-phase project involved moving large   project,” explains Zinn. He immediately   comparative analysis,” highlights Zinn.
        plant and equipment off these big storage   saw the technology as being highly   Skyriders has been collaborating with
        tanks to facilitate access.          complementary to Skyriders’ own drone   this particular petrochem producer since
           This was followed by deploying the   service, allowing it to provide a holistic   2013 on its maintenance requirements,
        Elios SkyEye drone, in addition to the new   inspection service. “The combination of   with a spotless record to date. The
        Zenith vertical inspection solution from   Elios SkyEye and Zenith definitely closes   longstanding relationship has not only
        the US, in order to inspect the internal   any gaps that either system may have,   stood the test of time but gave the client
        structure of the tanks. “It was quite a   opening up many other opportunities for   the confidence to implement the latest
        unique project,” comments Skyriders’   us.”                               technology in order to cut costs and
        marketing manager Mike Zinn.           The Zenith system is ideal for mine   increase safety.
           Developed by Interactive Aerial, an   shafts, silos, elevator shafts, towers,
        American company based in Traverse   smokestacks and even sewer systems. It   Contact Mike Zinn, Skyriders, Phone 011
        City, Michigan, Zenith is a simple-to-use,   was conceptualised and patented in 2019,   312 1418,, www.
        interactive, remote drop camera system   with final testing completed only in 2020.
        which allows users to survey 150 m of   “Basically, it is a drone that is lowered and   Facebook:
        vertical space, negating the need for   controlled very carefully on a vertical cable   SkyridersIndustrialRopeAccess
        costly downtime, human entry and the   to take pictures,” adds Zinn.      Twitter:

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