Page 41 - Energize May 2022
P. 41


        mandatory disclosure of building energy   certificates. The majority of buildings do not employ energy metering beyond the mandatory
        performance, in the form of building   utility company meters.
        energy performance certificates, which   However, knowing how much energy a building uses and where it is being used is
        indicate a building’s energy consumption   essential to any strategy to reduce energy usage. Before the most effective energy reduction
        per m  per annum.                    effort can be determined, it is important to know how the building uses energy.
           Building energy management is the   Advanced metering systems can provide such information. Energy meters can be viewed
        optimisation of energy usage, taking   as analogous to a fitness tracker. Just as a fitness tracker does not directly improve one’s
        the building management system (BMS)   level of fitness, an energy meter will not directly lower the energy usage of a building. All an
        objectives into account. BEMS is solely   advanced energy meter can do is to indicate where energy is being wasted. This would help
        about the efficient use of the energy   planners evaluate to what extent energy reduction goals are being met.
        needed to meet the building’s operational
        requirements.                        Boosting energy efficiency
           Things have changed, as buildings   Energy efficiency measures also fall into two categories, passive and active. Passive energy
        today not only consume electricity but   efficiency measures simply avoid the unnecessary use of energy. One example of a passive
        generate electricity as well. The use of   energy efficiency measure is the replacement of incandescent lamps to energy-saving
        rooftop and parking lots for PV systems,   lighting technologies. Active energy efficiency is about controlling the use of energy. This
        and onsite energy storage systems, has   type of energy efficiency measure typically requires continuous monitoring, using power
        changed the way a BEMS is configured.   measurement devices and cloud-based or on-premises power monitoring software, together
        The system must now meet demand by   with active management, including an action plan and following up on results.
        balancing energy drawn from the grid
        with energy generated and stored locally.   Incorporating renewable energy
        It must simultaneously take the building   To become neutral or positive with regard to energy consumption, it is sometimes
        management system’s requirements     necessary to integrate local energy sources. Several renewable technologies commercially
        into account, as well as the price of grid   available today can completely cover the consumption needs of most buildings. Consisting
        electricity and demand management    primarily of photovoltaic (PV) systems, however, these renewable technologies, provide
        requirements.                        variable, intermittent energy supplies. To achieve the overall objective of mastering and
           In addition, the building may be   optimising energy use while also becoming more independent of the electrical grid, these
        powered by a co-located microgrid,   energy resources must be coupled with storage or other more stable electricity generation
        where the renewable energy and storage   technologies, such as gas engines or fuel cells.
        components are part of a microgrid. In   An important element of designing, constructing and managing green buildings is the
        this case the BEMS needs to communicate   use of control and optimisation solutions which play an important role in improving the way
        and interact with the microgrid’s control   energy is produced, consumed and stored.
        system.                                The first layer of control, the BEMS, is key. Usually cloud-based, these systems are able to
                                             forecast and optimise energy usage, leveraging onsite distributed energy resources to reduce
        Energy management, metering and      energy bills and better integrate renewables. In addition to a BEMS, a power management
        monitoring                           system could be used to operate the system.
        The heart of a BEMS system is data     The aforementioned solutions are part of a larger green building ecosystem which
        regarding the amount of energy       could provide some of the most effective means to achieving a range of South Africa’s
        consumed, where it is used, and more
        recently, for what purpose it is used. Now,
        in addition to knowing how much energy
        was purchased from the grid and when
        and what it cost, we also need to know
        how much energy was generated onsite,
        when it was generated, and how much of
        it is in storage.

        Metering standards
        Some modern building standards specify
        the level of metering required at different
        points of consumption as well as overall
        metering. There is no requirement for
        in-depth energy metering in South
        African buildings. All that is needed is
        the gross energy consumption for energy   Figure 2: The use of artificial intelligence in a building energy management system: IEA

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